Updated to 17133.73 and didn't have any issues on my PC, so I believe there's no point in having the hassle of updating to 17134.1 Insider Previw build. I'll just wait for the RTM build instead.
Clean installed 17133 around a week ago, activated with digital licence to PfW and have had absolutely no problems at all. But today, store has stopped working - it has tried to autoupdate and notification error is "Couldn't install. We'll try again later" over and over.
That might just be a temporary outage (isp routing / peering issues) - I get these often when I connect from my 4G provider, but not when using the cable isp.
No, I didn't sign into Insider Preview program. I only updated by installing the ISO created from the ESD for 17133.1 build. However, if 17134.1 is stable enough, I could try installing it on one of my laptops which I don't use for work stuff just for the sake of curiosity.
is it no good to install and remain with 17133.1 ?? maybe about no future official updates/support by Microsoft? because, as I said before, it runs well withouth issues, by now, but I want to know if it will be supported as the new rtm
Imo it's better to stay on build 17133.1 if you want to install 171134.1 as a main system there is no way back with a downgrade if 17133.1 would be RTM
hi, i am confused about win 10 rs4 134 , now this thread is about rs4 and as we know that rs4 is 134 not 133. so where we can download rs4 134 release. br
Thread name for you [DISCUSSION] Windows 10 "Most Likely To Go RTM" 17134.1 (PC) [FAST/SLOW/RP RS4_Release]
I wrongly wrote here first what i had wrote. My mistake, but i was right regarding esd files of 17133.1 in 17134.1 thread. Peace