this is RTM but on the fast ring we all know how this goes they release a small patch after and boom all that insider s**t is gone how you all forget so easy
It's RTM because “Keep giving me builds until the next Windows release." option already removed from stop insider sitting in 17133 build and give only the option to leave insider totally.
no. previous build has no this option either and it hasn't been signed as rtm that said one million time...
(windows Insider Program manages this option) That means they can do whatever they want in this section even deleting this specific phrase without a patch (server side update).
Question:----I ran that tool that stops Telemetry from MDL back a while ago. Now I don't seem to be getting the new builds. How do I remove this tool and go back. DisableWinTracking
Hello; I only get home and pro install options on usb from the uup files. am looking for education or enterprise. any help?