Wow, they got this one to Release Preview and even released a cumulative update, and now an entirely new build shows up? Seems like the all-singing, all-dancing ninja-cat hipsters on the wheel can't handle that wreckage anymore. Maybe it's Karma because they made Terry leave.
Since Windows 8, 8.1 and the different versions of Windows 10, I have never seen that Microsoft when signing a version as RTM although it has problems, has released a later corrected version What they usually do is create an update pack that fixes the issues of the RTM Release Edition called GDR or any other nomenclature. I doubt that Microsoft launches another "RTM", only patches
And people wonder why the same questions are asked all the time. Look at the spam of useless information (like this post I'm making right now), who's got time to look at 247 pages per hour?
Yeah, everyone seems to forget that we *just* went through this with 16299.0. Remember 16299.0? Not many do. It immediately CU'd itself to 16299.15 on day 1.
Did Microsoft officially and publicly promise anything? Most of the talk about RTM was just RUMORS and RS4 is still officially an insider build.
Yes, I guess many do remember. On day 1 the RTM build went from 16299.15 to 16299.19, not .0 to .15. Because 16299.0 was the previous insider build that didn't get to RTM.
There was considerable debate about it at the time. I worded it badly. 16299.0 was 'announced' and existed (everyone's precious BuildFeed does list it as *public* and I remember it), and there was all kinds of "THIS IS IT THE RTM" and everyone was sitting on their hands and welp, suddenly .15 pops up and it took some time to figure out what that was all about. The RTM *did* release with a CU attached to it (think it was .19). Whether they scrap 17133 entirely or just up to 17134 somehow or whatever, waits to be seen.
There never was a debate about 16299.15 among people who understood the facts. Fact is 16299.15 never was released by a CU, period. 16299.15 was the "RTM", available by WU ESD.
The 17133 SDK is included in the latest Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7 preview (3): They do label it the 'Windows Insider Preview SDK', however.
I´ve heard they are going to skip the 1803 update completely because of the tons of bugs. Next one will be 1809 ("Falls Creators Update 2"), so don´t hold your breath this spring.
and I have heard they are going to completely stop developing windows 10 and concentrate on windows 11 from now on -andy-