Hey, All I've ever used is Cody's Toolkit. (since 2012 or so) I've downloaded MAS_1.7. I hear about different activators sending an .xml file to M$ with machine info? I'm ASS-U-ME-ing that this set of activation scripts sends a file to M$ but there is no worry of repercussions? Cody's activator may have sent one, I just never knew about it. Is it true I need to enter a product key when using MAS? thanks W10_Enterprise_IoT_LTSC_amd64
The very first few 19044 CUs caused BSOD to my PC. Then I have to reinstall with that CU pre-integrated. Now Windows Update is fine and no more BSOD.
You mean like the KMS phone home thing? I'm not sure it is relevant with KMS38 as it is permanent activation and done offline. I have a legacy KMS block group policy script you can copy paste into a cmd file and run if you want to be extra careful KMS-Genuine-Ticket-Block.cmd Code: @echo off title Disable/Enable KMS Genuine Ticket Override Block color 1f :Begin UAC check and Auto-Elevate Permissions :------------------------------------- REM --> Check for permissions >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo: echo Requesting Administrative Privileges... echo Press YES in UAC Prompt to Continue echo: goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" :-------------------------------------- :Check the key: (reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v "NoGenTicket"|find /i "0x1")>NUL 2>NUL if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 GOTO :KEYOFF :KEYON echo ============================================================ echo KMS Genuine Ticket Override Block is currently enabled. echo Would you like to disable it? (Y/N) echo ============================================================ echo. choice /c yn /n If %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 1 GOTO :QUIT Echo Deleting Override Registry key REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v "NoGenTicket" /F>NUL 2>NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO :ERROR Echo. Echo KMS Genuine Ticket Override Block has been Removed Echo. goto :QUIT :KEYOFF echo ============================================================ echo KMS Genuine Ticket override block is currently disabled. echo Would you like to enable it? (Y/N) echo ============================================================ echo. choice /c yn /n If %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 1 GOTO :QUIT Echo Changing Registry key REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v "NoGenTicket" /D 1 /T REG_DWORD /F>NUL 2>NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO :ERROR Echo. Echo KMS Genuine Ticket Override Block has been Enabled Echo. goto :QUIT :QUIT echo ============================================================ echo Press any key to exit... echo ============================================================ pause>NUL goto :EOF :ERROR echo ============================================================ echo The script ran into an unexpected error setting reg key. echo Press any key to exit... echo ============================================================ pause>NUL goto :EOF
thanks Murphy78, Iirc, I was reading about HWID and I thought it said it sent a small .xml file to the M$ servers instead of keeping any info on the individual machine. Of course I could be 100% wrong and totally confused about what I remember. It did not infer that M$ had ever used the file or any info in it in any way that was detrimental to the user. Just me being overly cautious. Thanks again for the script.
Hello, i have iso file of en_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_5795bb03 -v1809 (Updated Feb 2019) which is the latest version/iso file of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC. without any beta or bugs... as want to install it on old pc with Intel Core i3 Ivy Bridge 3.20GHz
Well I hope someone else can chime in because I've only been lurking for the last year or so and I'm really rusty and my brain is a bit foggy on the details. I seem to remember spoofing the ticket generation from the ms store using a program and then using that to authenticate with the MS servers on HWID. But since you only need to do this once per HW configuration, you can just change your key back to the retail key every time you re-install and MS servers should re-activate automatically. The reason I'm so foggy on this is that I somehow remember that HWID wasn't available on this SKU or something. Did they make it available? Does someone know? I saw the MAS1.7 has a script for HWID. Did we always activate this with KMS38 or am I remembering things backwards? I've been out of the loop for too long.
- EnterpriseS (Enterprise LTSC 2021) Supports KMS38/KMS, not HWID - IotEnterpriseS (IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021) Supports HWID, not KMS38/KMS Both editions can be switched to each other by only entering a key. HWID script inserts IoT edition key in order to activate non-IoT edition, and vice versa for KMS38/KMS.
en-us_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_d289cf96.iso OR en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_257ad90f.iso
There is just one ISO released, 19044.1288. See the link provided here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...prise-n-ltsc-2021.84509/page-143#post-1771169
want to ask, cant we change LTSC themes ! as what i try ltsc 2019 2yr back, there was no themes... black/dark layout
Noob looking for help. Is 10 IOT LTSC the best version to run on a notebook 1.6-GHz Celeron N3050, 4GB of RAM. Any advice on debloating (what to delete) to optimize performance - given only 4GB ram available?
Considering that 4GB RAM was sufficient till win 11 came with the newer requirement of 8GB minimum (even though these days still new devices with 11 Home pre-installed are sold with just 4GB ram) 4GB is fine to run 10 on (whatever SKU and (IoT) Enterprise 2021 LTSC is not significant/noticeable lighter compared to the other 1904x SKUs). Debloating is just a hype and can and probably will cause future problems.
Hello everyone, Although I had always done a clean install of LTSC 2019 and avoided the 1809 deletion bug, MS wanted to move on and forget about 1809 asap. Now that I am using LTSC 2021, Is this 21h2 19044 version turning out to be best all around LTSB/LTSC for stability, newer cpu and peripheral support, and new games? thanks
I was thinking about buying Halo (for PC) but you have to login to MS to play it. Is this a bad idea since I'm using LTSC via KMS_VL_ALL?