Can anyone mount the WIM via DISM and test if Code: Get-AppxProvisionedPackage works to enumerate packages? For me it always returns empty.
It's really good, better performance than 2019 (probably cuz new ryzen scheduler) and smoother, and it can also run modern games like Forza 5.
i would update but i have all my job apps installed here and they will inevitably stop working after updating, cant be bothered to spend days reinstalling them i will install IOT on my new pc though but is really 10vs5 years the only differencein iot vs noniot ?
I see so many people jumping on the next LTS* release immediately, like predicted. So why did you put up with that absolutely trash LTSC 2019 until now, instead of running a better build? Anyway, new LTS* release is that time when I get the popcorn and just chill, not chasing downloads, hashes, svfs, because I have close to zero interest in this distribution for them plebs that can't tame windows 10 on their own LTSC with ChrEdge?