Even if they do, the hotfixes are also usually available as standalone downloads. So if for some reason you needed to keep downloading the latest video card drivers and they updated to a new certificate method and a hotfix was needed to address that, you'd be covered by just downloading said hotfix. But then I guess we'd be talking about 5+ years from now. In which case I don't think the latest video card drivers would be applicable any longer. They will almost certainly phase out Win10 support by then. Sadly it never had widespread support with the masses because the consumer versions had the cancerous tumor that is the Microsoft Store and the telemetry that most normies don't know how to disable. Most normal people will never even see a LTSC version of win10 or even know it exists. So that all kills the popularity and will reduce the lifespan of support from hardware vendors. Since the customers won't demand the hardware support for win10, it won't be there.
I can only speak from my own experience. I have a network printer from HP at home and every time I do a LTSC installation, the printer gets detected and an UWP app from HP gets automatically installed. and from time to time, this app gets updated, no matter if I have the store installed or not. also, I have seen the same thing happening with the UWP control panel for the intel graphics driver on some of my installations. -andy-
I connected to our house printer to print stuff out and it installed a "HP Smart" app on my system. I don't even have MS Store on my currently ltsc 2019 system. So if it is one of those new fangled drivers with the appx backing, it must be self-contained with no pre-reqs needed.
how to upgrade from LTSB 2016 to IOT Enterprise LTSC 2021? I have stuck in product key Thanks Any Generic key to intsall IOT Entersprise 2021?
Don't think its possible, you need to upgrade to newer LTSC & from there you need to switch to IoT version by changing product key.
If you strip MS Store UWP AppX capabilities entirely with MSMG Toolkit and/or NTLite and/or whichever tweaks, then you can't get NVidia DCH CP because it depends on MS Store UWP AppX, but what you can do is use the NVCPLUI.exe (Control Panel) from either MS Store NVidia CP extracted pack or from the latest non-DCH 471.12 driver. You can also create a right-click desktop context menu to access NVidia CP if you search the internet on how to do that. I only can't figure out how to remove the lower right-corner popup from NVidia that notifies you of missing CP panel. It shows up after every reboot, but it doesn't depend on the internet. I think it is hardcoded into NVidia Display Container files.
The ISO size for LTSC is almost as big as the ISO size for single edition x64 Pro-only version. Which UWP AppX's does LTSC 2021 include?
Good question. There is a list of the biggest files and folders in the ISO (this is the Italian one, but it should be pretty much the same in every language). Consider also that Edge is included in the WIM (that should add around 200-250 MB).
Successful update from LTSB 2016 to IOT LTSC 2021 with keep all setting, documents, and apps installed My Process is LTSB 2016>Upgarade to LTSC 2021 (using GVLK LTSC 2019)>insert IOT Enterprise 2021 product key>Activate with "winactivate" to make it digital license
>Old age is such a bitch. Makes some people grumpy, over-confident, impatient and stuck in their ways so much as to require external intervention to protect them and others from - well - themselves. Wich also aplys to you . Please keep your petty bitching to yourself and dont attack people . @ ALL ...... BACK TO TOPIC PLEASE :