please check and confirm the mess: browse to: Code: HKLM\SYSTEM\Software\Microsoft and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion read the key: Code: BuildLab it holds the value: Code: 19041.vb_release.191206-1406 instead of: Code: 19044... nothing to expect from microsofts roadsweeper trainees publishing 'so called' operatingsystems an one cant display the correct version on desktop
No. From my understanding the E.U. made some legislation that required M.S. make N versions optional so that customers would have the option to have an operating system without the media playing tools pre-installed and thus giving media playing software developers an ability to sell their product. I guess it's their way of monopoly breaking. For me I just like that it removes bloat for things I don't use, but the tradeoff is needing to use KMS activation.
Well, I mean, why would you if they cost the same? While people like us might appreciate a nice de-bloated OS like LTSC, I fear we are in the minority.
Hi! I bought the key for the N LTSC 2019 yesterday. I thought I would have no problem entering the key for the N LTSC 2021 - it does not work. Is it possible to update LTSC 2019 to LTSC 2021 somehow?
I tried to download the pt-br but it give error, Does anyone have a direct link? ab2eb00e7b2b58b6cba2ddceb9f68f7d8c59e170 *pt-br_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_f318268e.iso
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