Yeah having a hard time downloading LTSC links is exactly why people post the eval links + svf patches. I don't know if they took them down or they are region locked or whatever, but this is why people put in the effort. Even though I personally don't need or use the other languages, I know the effort and commitment required to process and upload all of that. @Enthousiast and others deserve a round of thanks for helping everyone get a localized copy.
The MVS links are temp urls, valid for 10hr after creating. The DDL links at the OP are gone because the uploader took them down from IPFS due to slow download speeds.
Thanks a Lot @Enthousiast for creating svf patches almost all languages to convert eval images to vl .
Now when new LTSC launched, is it stable ? Worth updating from older 1809 or maybe wait couple of months for updates ? I read one part of this topic, from what I understood you cant use old 1809 LTSC key on new version ( i was activating it manually from CMD) ? I have original EDU key,maybe even just roll with that (EDU 21H2, EOL June 2024) but so far old 1809 LTSC is working great.
I plugged my phone into windows 2021 10 ent (N) ltsc edition which I installed and fully updated this morning. The system notified me that it was settig up the phone; then it said I was all good to go. Alas, no the phone doesn't show up in file explorer. Checked in Device Manager and it was there under "other devices" not "portable devices" although the designation may vary from OS to OS. It has an exclamation mark and I can usually solve that by recourse to my driver backups. Not for this device it seems. I checked the phone in my 2019 windows 10 LTSC Pro and the details in Device Manager for the phone driver have names like wusb. Anyone got a workaround, fix? thanks