1. Teknik

    Teknik MDL Senior Member

    Oct 9, 2010
    Look how many RAM you have if 3 or 4 GB = x64
  2. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    Download regular package and install only restricted dolby package ( search page 50 up to 57 ) abbodhi post
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  3. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    I think it's a social thing. They see all their peers using a thing and so they wish to try it. BUT, they don't really want to use it the way it was designed so they wish to morph it into the other thing it was designed to replace.
    It's like I was saying. It goes against the entire philosophy of using LTSC in the first place.
  4. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    @murphy78 of course mate, and remember also before installing any type of OS I think the user already knows in advance how he will use the system regardless of whether it is Windows or any open source system is just a matter of criteria I think ;)
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  5. it was there on MDL some months ago but due to my request to staff its removed
    sorry cant say anything else about that or cant share anything .
  6. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    Adding store & edge (yes, edge, unbelievable what people wished for) in older LTSB 2015, LTSB 2016, LTSC 2019 has been kinda retarded.
    Add to the mix net framework versions and vc libs you did not even had a need for, office, bleeding edge gpu drivers and the whole stability went down the drain with all those extra components receiving frequent updates.
    After going through so much trouble to even get the damn thing in the first place...
    Call microsoft assholes all you want - I sure do so whenever I get the chance - but the whole raison d'ĂȘtre for LTS* versions was predictability. For specialized machines, seldom online, with a reduced software fingerprint.
    It really was not meant for buffaloes using it for streaming games and such. Security really lacked for home use, something that does not happen in a real enterprise environment that is properly attended.
    And the reduced application support did eventually bite users arse.

    With LTSC 2021 the waters are murkier (ChrEdge ffs), but the saving grace is that 21H2 is a much more mature build than 1809 and previous and with on-par security offering.
    It has all the background noise of a regular version, but it really is tamable with just some service tweaking (adjusted for your needs) and some telemetry shutting down.
    Most infrastructure for Store is already running, so it does not hurt much to actually add Store app back.

    I would not do it though.
    The Microsoft Store is an insidious, poorly managed crap that wants to sell you ads and junk you don't need / poor copy of the real win32 original programs, or covertly sell your activity, preferences etc.
    Just like Edge, circumventing GDPR since it's Chromium inception. Just like 11 Widgets (addictive pesky little things).
    If you can, stay away from microsoft accounts, their chromium offering and their s**tty store.
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  7. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    hmm once again I only have one thing to say: congratulations @BAU; this yes is in my opinion of who knows what is talking and I on my part also try to do the same of course ...:v::tankyou:
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  8. Mister Dev

    Mister Dev MDL Novice

    Jul 11, 2021
    Could you guys please post the scripts/settings you are using to tweak services/telemetry on LTSC 2021 post-install? Much appreciated, thanks.
  9. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    LTSB 2016 was the most stable and lightest version of Windows 10 I've ever tested. I spent years without having to do a new windows installation using this. Even LTSC 2019 is heavier than it. LTSB 2015 contained a lot of bugs and worst performance in my experience but I used it for less than 1 year as I soon migrated to LTSB 2016 when it came out and I loved it. If even these old builds get slow another option is to use Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (A Windows 8.1 LTSC-like) which will be even faster and lighter.

    But it's best to test it yourself and see what's best for your hardware.
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  10. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    @AeonX I agree mate and I also know that W10 LTSB is better leveraged than LTSC 2019, BUT unfortunately AMD no longer provides video drivers for W8.1 which in my view is still the best OS after Windows 10 and as for Windows 11 forget it in my opinion for me is the same thing as Windows Vista however revamped a drug....;)
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  11. remove_scurvy

    remove_scurvy MDL Novice

    Mar 4, 2020

    Win + V, Win + ; (emoji) and win + shift + s didn't work for me, but I got all of them working by installing a few store dependencies.

    So here is my Clipboard history fix for LTSC 2021:
    Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx -> (you can find this on MS site, page is called C++ Runtime framework packages for Desktop Bridge, I can't post links sorry; Use store.rg-adguard . net for the rest)

    I don't know if all of them are necessary or not. Download everything in one folder and then Shift + right click -> Open power shell
    Use the command:
    Add-AppxPackage ./packages-from-above
    Also you might need to enable side loading: Settings -> Update & security -> For developers -> enable developer mode
  12. Rinsewind

    Rinsewind MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2011
    #1192 Rinsewind, Nov 28, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
    opendirectory.luzea.de direct ISO links not working for me. Getting Error 520 Web server is returning an unknown error Cloudflare error page

    Edit: working now, thank you
  13. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    I don't think most of us are truly objective about an operating system. If we were, we would end up like those companies that have unix machines running crucial software for 40 years and never upgrading it to the point where it actively becomes a hindrance. I obviously have preferences, but they're just never going to happen. I wish MS would make a new build without bloat and actively promote it. I wish MS would pitch their store as a side project instead of automatically including it into every OS to the point where it is not only included with many apps already partially installed, but also includes an auto-downloader/installer. There's just something that really bothers me about this approach that they've taken. They don't care about the user's consent anymore. They force updates without consent. They force store app downloads without consent. It bugs me. Imagine buying a car and not having a choice where it drives you.

    Right, got de-railed there a bit. Anyway, we still have to go with the flow a bit or we get left behind. The technology keeps moving and we kind-of have to move with it. If we don't we might as well abandon computers altogether. I don't like the bloat and the huge patches. I wish they would do a new build, but it's just not going to happen.
  14. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Hmm this here partially solves the s**t that M$FT has done in recent years, but remember that the damn UWP applications return immediately in the sequence that s**t ... and for these reasons I'm using the "Old" LTSC 2019 and even with the W10 LTSC 2021 things get worse yet I think ... ;):mad:
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  15. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    yay congrats Master :D
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  16. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
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  17. T-H-X-1138

    T-H-X-1138 MDL Novice

    Nov 28, 2021
    Hey everyone.
    I made a terrible mistake earlier this year and got myself the 2019 LTSC Eval version, which is soon to expire as well. Is there some way I can upgrade from that version to this?
    Thanks in advance. :)