Question is if you can, as a person, even obtain a 100% valid license key for LTSC or IoT LTSC. I doubt that.
@suresh.hacker you need just to open your eyes try again
KMS38 is not the same as normal KMS, KMS38 activates the OS till 2038 as normal KMS just activates for real VL products up to 180 days, why not just enjoy the 16 years activation period left?
I could not found 19044.1288 edition iso. I need help. PS: sorry. I found that.. Thank you so much for all time helps brothers
You're never going to buy a LTSC key. Don't fool yourself. As far as reverting KMS activation, all you have to do is change the key. winactivate from what I can tell doesn't install any re-activate tasks or dll files (at least on the 2.0 PS script I'm looking at) The only dll file it seems to use is for the gatherosstate functionality from what I understand of the script.
I can't, but I presume the company that I work for can, that's why I am asking. I'll evalualte LTSC 2021 and if everything is okay, then they can purchase MAK keys and install the OS company-wide. I know there's an EVAL version, but it can't be activated and I don't want to reinstall in order to activate it later on.
Any link for : ? i would like to build 1904.1 LTSC 2021 X86 Kind Regards
If anyone knew how to properly turn a non-ltsc version into a ltsc version without issue, there would be a huge project on this forum. My suggestion is to mount and remove all provisionedappxpackage(s) from a 19041 x86 image and just learn to live with that.
^ I agree and more I think it's practically impossible for someone make an iso (and that works 100%) with this configuration but who knows...
So far i am using 19041.1387 LTSC 2021 built with reconstructing files from a CORE 19041.1 image already one week ... i like it , smooth and clean from store and other stuff ( everyone has his own way of thinking ) ...and i wanted to build also a x86 image for some weak laptops .. but i will stick with what i have for the moment .
Here's my 2 cents about installing Microsoft Store on LTSC: [GUIDE] Add Store to Windows 10 EnterpriseS SKU (LTSB/LTSC)
Can I still enter old Enterprise LTSC 2019 non-IoT product key after clean install Enterprise LTSC non-IoT?
You still can enter it, but it won't work. Old ltsc 2019 MAK keys are not valid to activate ltsc 2021. So you haven't reasons to do it. But GVLK key is the same, so you can use it for kms activation.
Impossible? Switching almost any windows in almost any other windows (including Hypercore x86, which requires no activation of any kind) is matter of 20 seconds. Removing the unwanted stuff requires more time but with MSMG can be almost fully automated. Where's the problem?
failed to install nvidia drivers 'this version of windows is incompatible' does it work for non IOT version? what to do?