Can confirm that the Store installs, and Microsoft Flight Simulator works just fine My simulator rig is finally done!
We never publish them in public, let's hope this doesn't draw any MSFT attention. They are only valid for 12 10hr after generation.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but after using Win8 and 8.1 for years, 10 LTSB/C Builds are a huge step up. The reason why I don't "tame" windows 10 is because I hate having to second guess when I run into problems with programs. It's also the reason I don't overclock my hardware. I got all of that need to customize everything out of my system in my 20s. Now I want a stable, less bloated OS. I still use the gpedit reg keys to override the spying functions and I'll disable the worthless Defender, but other than that I enjoy leaving my OS as close to stock as possible.
after upgrading from ltsc 2019 to 2021 i have on the bottom of start menu ms-resourceTileDisplayName (its cortana i see in app settings) how to remove that
do I need kmspico to activate en-us_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_d289cf96.iso or something? or can I just do a fresh install
Are you sure you really need this OS? KMSpico is abandoned for quite some years now, use a more uptodate KMS tool like KMS_VL_ALL.