[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Enterprise (N) LTSB 2016

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. jonaaa

    jonaaa MDL Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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  2. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    I really love LTSB 2016 and I think it's the best modern replacement to Windows 7 really.

    I'm curious about 1809 LTSC but I think that they have changed to much since 1607 and a lot of older applications is now gone and deprecated.

    Feels like LTSB 2016 1607 is the last good release before they changed things to much (I have a hunch on where things are going with Windows 10 and I don't like it)

    Here's to hoping that my hunch is wrong and that LTSC will be the next best thing!
  3. ashish.k

    ashish.k MDL Senior Member

    Dec 27, 2014
    I feel the same. I have tried every release of win10 but always went back to LTSB 2015 (when no 2016 was out) or 2016 (now). Let's hope next LTSC won't be bloated with some of the resource hogging features/services.
  4. MrMagic

    MrMagic MDL Guru

    Feb 13, 2012
    Agreed, but wouldn't worry too much, if people are still running 7 today then I'm sure LTSB 2016 will last a good few years yet
  5. Bigal

    Bigal MDL Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    can "Projecting to this PC" be enabled?
  6. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    ^this is enabled by default see into Settings or still in gpedit.msc ;)
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  7. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    Looking at the Windows Accessories, Windows Administrative Tools and Windows System Start Menu folders in LTSB 2016 most of the classical applications and programs are still there intact one way or another (thank you god)

    For every new update it seems like more and more stuff is getting deprecated, thrown away and replaced by something worse (disgusting apps)

    I'm actually a bit afraid to try out a newer version of Windows 10 at the moment because I don't want to loose the stability I'm having and have had for the last 2 years and it seems to me like I have more to lose than to gain by updating to 1803 for example.

    With latest CU update, LTSB is a rock solid piece of OS and I would really like to have it that way for a long long time.

    I don't know what all this talk comes from that LTSB is only for critical systems like ATM's, hospital equipment etc.
    I can do everything with this OS and it's a godsend to not have Cortana sniffing my ball sack every 5 minutes either.

    LTSB is what Windows 10 should have been in the first place and I don't get all this Windows as a service crap at all.
    No way in hell anything good comes out from updating so much in the long run.
  8. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    ^hi bro only suggestion stay with EnterpriseS trust me, I know for my own experience for me 1803 still need a lot of corrections then is better wait for 1809 only my 2 cents
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  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    What sku people prefer is personal, the weird thing is, when msft published a "lean" edition people want to put stuff in and others chop their preferred sku to pieces.
  10. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    Why anyone would put stuff back to an OS that's clean and tidy right off the bat is beyond my comprehension?

    It would be better to just install 1803 and chop off the things you don't want with Powershell than to install LTSB and put stuff back in.

    LTSB isn't for everyone and that is why CB and CBB is great for all those people who like Windows 10 Consumer and the whole Windows as a service concept.

    I'm not saying Windows 10 LTSB is exactly like Windows 7, 8.1 but it's the version that resembles these systems the most.

    If LTSB were more easy to obtain many Windows 7 and 8.1 users would jump on the Windows 10 train but sadly that's not the case.
  11. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    How easy do you want 2016 LTSB to be available? https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...9-1803-ltsb-2016-server-2016-techbench.77028/ ;)
  12. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    I doubt most average Joe's even know about LTSB, let alone that to begin with.

    Most average Joe's are stuck in CB and CBB squirrel wheel.
  13. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
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  14. kgtuning

    kgtuning MDL Member

    Aug 26, 2015
    To those that run LTSB 2016, when the next version comes out will you move to that or stay on 2016? Just asking out of curiosity.
  15. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Hi I believe that we need only wait this new build so time will tell :coffee::g:
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  16. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    I will give LTSC 1809 a go just for s**t and giggles but if I feel it's way out of my comfort zone and it's nothing like LTSB 2016 I will revert without hesitation.

    Newer isn't always better but then what? Sure LTSB 2016 will suffice for a good couple of years yet but what happens when the ship has sailed and you're stuck with newer versions that lack all the things you used to love with older Windows versions.

    Feels like LTSB 2016 will be the new Windows 7 that people don't want to leave.
  17. kgtuning

    kgtuning MDL Member

    Aug 26, 2015
    I run Ltsb 2016 on my gaming rig and love it but I wouldn't mind trying out the ltsc 1809. My laptop runs enterprise which I'm also happy with but again wouldn't mind trying 1809. On linux I like to distro hop so I like to try new stuff once in a while.
  18. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    My laptop is running Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS and it's working fantastic for everything I do Internet and office wise.

    Seems to me LTS and LTSB editions only have good things going on for them....
  19. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    ^congrats dude, I also use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS since when was launched and NO issues you already try use compiz? is amazing remember Windows 7; unfortunately Linux distro's still no have progress related something similar to DirectX for games ;)
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  20. JaguarXJ12

    JaguarXJ12 Guest

    Well I don't mind Linux for just Internet and office related stuff, gaming I use Windows for and it gives me the best of two worlds.

    Linux for security and Windows for entertainment.