I know this wasn't exactly what you asked for, but in case you (or anyone else) didn't know there is a third party offering by Torchsoft that does this (and more). It's called Registry Workshop.
Check out: O&O RegEditor 12.0.2172 (Freebie) which also displays this info and can be set as the DEFAULT reg editor...
Not true. Just replace regedit.exe and regedit.exe.mui and itwill work even on 10240 (tested) and maybe even on win 8.x (not tested yet)
I specifically mentioned 'back-porting', which is different from frankenbuilding. Mixing binaries from different builds breaks integrity and not always helpful.
I have multiple Win 10 LTSB Volume_MAK , is there a specific version of LTSB I need because I cant activate my VOLUME_ENTERPRISE version.
I did't mean to criticize what you wrote, just wanted to share an helpful info about a problem I solevd months ago. Btw, here there is nothing to "backport" (modifing a program to make it working in an older OS) or frankenbuild. Regedit is just a program, just like notepad++ or 7zip.It just works w/o any patch or dll swap or whatever trick. The mui part is the only "Tricky" one, given most people (me included) always end to forgets them. P.S. win 8.x is a no go (makeit working there would require a bit real fankenbuild)
Sorry for not quite being in the loop here, I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say 10240 and Win 8.x; are you saying that it only works if you copy the regedit.exe and regedit.exe.mui files from a version of 10240 version of Windows 10? If it was added in 14942, I don't quite understand how that works. Just for comparison, I tried copying the files from a version of Windows 10 home running build 17134 to LTSB build 14393 with no success (clicking on Regedit simply gave the looping cursor for a moment and then quit).
Ok,but, if you want, you can even rename regedit.exe and regedit.exe.mui to something you like ,say regedit1.exe and regedit1.mui.exe, w/o actually replacing the stock one, not even the wndows directory is mandatory in this case. Then you can launch the new typing regedit1 instead of regedit,not diferently than using registry workshop or whatever other alternate program
Seem that you misunderstood what I wrote. Obviously using the regedit version 10240 would be pointless, given it is no different than the one available on 14393. You need a NEWER version (I think I used the one taken from 15063), then it will work on 10240,10586 and 14393. Be sure you have the file extension visible to avoid mistakes on renaming the files. The mui must be in a directory in the same level of the exe, named accordingly to your locale If regedit.exe is in \windows, regedit.exe.mui must be in \Windows\en-US (for american english) ,NOT system32 or whatever other dir
What happens doing what? If you replace the files,they will be rstored to the stock ones, if you rename the new ones, nothing happens. ifyou replace also the hardlinks in win sxs, sfc will return an error about a couple of non fixable errors,and the files will be left untouched
@insid, Okay, thanks, I figured it out. The reason that it didn't work is because when I used the Windows search to find "regedit.exe.mui," it took me to the folder: C:\Windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-r..ry-editor.resources_(bunch of random numbers)_10.0.17134.1_en-us_(a bunch of other random numbers) So I ended up copying and replacing that file INSTEAD of the one that was in \Windows\en-US, and that's why it didn't work the first time. When I did it your way, it worked perfectly. Thanks!
you can also use the "Debugger" key in "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options", so that when regedit is called upon, regedit1 (or any other alternative) is being executed -andy-
So here's another question that's not quite clear to me. Since LTSB 2016 is an enterprise version of Windows, supposedly I can turn of telemetry altogether. If I go into the registry editor at the key: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection and set "AllowTelemetry" to 0, is that all it takes to disable telemetry completely? Or is there something else that I should also do?
I like ltsb but I'm concerned about the lack of updates... I have a ryzen+vega APU and I don't want to get any performance penalties because the zen/vega/APU windows optimizations are going into CB and CBB instead. Does LTSB have worse support for newer hardware than CB or CBB? Or are the feature upgrades since 1607 mainly hardware-independent?