Good Day,can someone please help me to confirm if KB5010447 exist or not.According to MS site,it is supposed to be the latest SSU for LTSB 1607 but i cannot find it in Update Catalog.Now i am hesitating to install the February Update in fear of Installation Failure.Thank you.
@Lex24 Latest SSU KB5011570 is enough why are you using (2022-01 LCU KB5010790) and not (2022-03 LCU KB5011495)? p.s. in Update Catalog, click on (Last Updated) column header to sort by newest
Thanks. I somehow forgot to click on the Last Updated header (the date column seemed sorted properly without it, which obviously was not the case). Here is the corrected list of KB files: 2020-01-09 - .NET 4.8 Feature Pack (kb4486129) 2021-03-09 - Intel Microcode Update (kb4589210) 2022-02-04 - CU for NET 4.8 (kb5010460) 2022-03-07 - SSU (kb5011570) 2022-03-07 - LCU (kb5011495) Edit: I have also updated post #1145 above.
Hello fine folks of mydl, en_windows_10_enterprise_version_1607_updated_jul_2016_x64_dvd_9054264.iso Activates with KMS_VL_ALL_AIO.cmd. 1) What is the latest version of this? 2) Direct Microsoft Link 3) Or way to download directly from Microsoft 4) Or way to download from anywhere but verify checksums from Microsoft I know you are all pros and well-versed in all aspects of OSes. But I am not, I just want to make sure the ISO is not tampered with. Many thanks!
@Enthousiast I have also read many of your posts guiding people but UUCP, SFTC, etc is above my paygrade