Why are some people waiting for a MVS/MSDN version instead of just getting the VLSC? MVS = My Visual Studio?
Because almost no-one has a VLSC account but some have MVS accounts, and most iso's are the same between them, except LTSC and server editions.
The business iso will have the same checksums at both platforms (VLSC and MVS). VLSC LTSC seems to be non N only, so, other checksums, the MVS LTSC has N too (if available in the language).
Hello, I have been running LTSB 1607 for almost two years because my PC is severely underpowered. Is there a 32bit ISO link for LTSC 1809?
What is the correct way?: .107 --> .134 update --> language patch .107 --> language patch -->.134 update
Download the baseline 17763.1 iso in the desired language and just update it. But always LP first, Updates last, if you still want to go that route.
im not really follow you and dont really understand why you speak this crazy way. orijinal ISO is exist without any crazy programs creatings, and good people send me link on it also without crazy speaking... ja_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_df74d1a7.iso DOWNLOAD https:// drive.google.com/file/d/1t4rNsZvlyhpgYhg3RYr0bD2g2NbAxB9v/view p/s but some guy tell me this ver is many bugs and we need wait 1809LTSC soon, so if somebody can do it, please upload ISO on some cloud-drive, when it come. thankyou
Don't really understand what you mean with The business iso doesn't contain LTSC (Long Term Servicing Channel). I get the message when I try to upgrade my Windows Enterprise 1803 to 1809. There was a suggestion to turn off the internet connection, but I guess I'll wait for the "updated version"
I really hope it's just your misinterpretation of the english language that does not let you grasp the fact that you have been given all the tools necessary to create your own .iso, which you can afterwards verify its integrity with its own sha1 key. At this point it's comes down to just pure lazyness begging for homebrew isos. Also, your inability to understand that if you were to create your own official & original iso (yes, good luck faking it's sha1 key) you wouldn't be so ignorant to call me or the tools available for that matter, crazy. Lastly, how do you think the "good" people you mention got their hands on that iso you linked? That's right, either by downloading it directly from Microsoft using their account or by creating one with the very same tools you can find in this thread. Either way, they are both official and original! Here is the sha1 key for the iso you linked and the one you can create yourself. 6d17c2be54f91399865fd1d996084dee949fc645 Verify them on your own. Now I understand with mods and contributors of this community sometimes just let people have it. It's like talking to a brick wall.
I have two questions guys. This new refresh ISO is that it, or we can expect one more refresh ISO in future ? Are all bugs sorted out now , is it ok to install (last bug I heard was task managed cpu load wrong numbers) ? I'm gonna go with non "N" version. Thank you in advance for reply!
We always get new refresh iso's, 1803 got 3. Refresh iso's are the baseline 17763.1 iso updated with the 17763.107 CU, no SSU or Flash update is integrated. When you want a really uptodate iso you should download the 17763.1 baseline iso (availabe at the SVF2ISO tool by @s1ave77) and the current SSU/CU (+ Flash) and pre-integrate them, using W10UI by @abbodi1406, then you will have a 17763.134 ISO.
No, LTSB/C iso's aren't publicly released by MSFT. The mentioned tool is one of the few (if not the only one) options that offers all Original MVS iso's: Code: Consumer Business Server LTSB LTSC All iso's in all available languages.
Used the SVF2ISO tool to create a LTSC 1809 image. After installing, I got one update. Haven't noticed any bug till now.