I have the file association bug and my audio output crashes from time to time. Also it seems that there are even more bugs. I dont trust microsoft anymore.
What CU level was installed? Latest *165/167 shouldn't have most of the bugs. Audio still is driver related only.
Umm, I been looking for Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 "without N Edition" (no EVAL edition pleases!!) you can PM with properly link.. thanks! I been digging everywhere here this site and need fast download speed.!! Thanks!
I used to develop LTSB 2016 for production machines/clients and now I am currenty work with the latest LTSC 2019: similar to LTSB I'd like to develop LTSC a self intallation image (Automatic Client Installation) or tailored image call it as you want... I faced some difficulties but I was able to manage them... Only one problem left: if I deny the access for SEARCH tile on the Start Menu (can not remove) the windows 10 Start Menu grayed out at first, when I reopen it it works normally. It only happens the first open per user. I didn't find any solution for this and I never had this problem with the LTSB version. Any idea? Maybe it's a bug. For me it's the first I meet bugs with LTSC.
Thanks Enthousiast for the point out... is there a .msu files for these? because I don't know how to install a .cab into the windows
No, IP updates never are released as MSU, cab only. Code: dism /online /add-package /packagepath:x:\xxxx.cab
You don't seem to know what VLSC or LTSC means? VLSC = VolumeLicenseServicingCenter = Volume ISO's Portal LTSC = LongTermServicingChannel = a specific Enterprise edition The LTSC iso from MVS is the exact same ISO as the LTSC iso from VLSC.