The server stuff has to be chosen in its Server Manager, then added to Server, if you want to use any of that, (it works just fine as a "workstation" without adding anything). Well, you do have to add Audio, and Wireless, (not a big deal though). Some drivers are a problem, but not all, (there's usually a way around that however). The only problem I've had with programs not installing so far, are antivirus apps. Symantec Endpoint Protection works, (the newest version), and there are probably others that work as well. I'm happy that Musicbee, Tag&Rename, WinRAR, XYplorer, and that all the Browsers work in Server. Also Steam works too, cause I have lots of games I play all the time.
Did ypu use optimize offline script? I think it always happens when I log with an external display plugged to my laptop
Blisteringly fast, so that is good Search is nonsense, I use my PC 12+ hours per day, so I know where files are, and if I need them, a shortcut will do Biggest hog of the system, since Windows 7, and even bigger now. Indexing, lol, another thing to disable, an eater of resources is that monster. Disable both, but preferably remove them altogether before install. So, Cortana/Search/Indexing ----------> BIN, then you will have a clean slate, on which LTSC 2019 will fly, it will, and there will be no need to thank me whatsoever
I really hate the task manager bug that causes the expand/collapse arrow to disappear and appear for no reason.
I figured out how to fix the issue with files not being copied from PC to Android phone, even on rooted unlocked phone. You need to set the phone's setting to have "This device" control the transfer and then it works.
The base for all 1809 client sku's is the same. Enterprise LTSC only has no UWP apps and has Long Term Servicing. Afaik, drivers are not sku specific.