[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Enterprise (N) LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    #2881 freddie-o, Jan 20, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
    I think you'll be better off with LTSC. It's Enterprise without Store and Cortana. Server needs some configuring so it's more for advanced users. In LTSC you can opt to turn Windows Media player on or off.
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  2. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    If LTSC is likw LTSB then it does have store and cortana packages. Open an LTSC install with Export System Packages by Knarz and check the package list. You can check with CBS Enum too.
  3. getica

    getica MDL Novice

    Jan 1, 2011
    (1).what Office 2016 did you install on Ltsc2019: x32 Bits or x64?
    (2). Do you use OneNote? Do you have any problem when you open OneNote, like your computer is slow/freezing or experience 100% disk usage?
  4. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
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  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    LTSB doesn't have store or cortana either.
  6. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    My bad. I guess this is the place to discuss LTSC
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  7. adric

    adric MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2009
    #2888 adric, Jan 20, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
    I'm only adding the FODs because the OS keeps force installing some DE features which repeatedly keep failing to install because of me using metered connection settings. The failed installs is what I want to stop. The only thing German I really need is the keyboard, but the system disagrees.:eek:
  8. capjack

    capjack MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2016
    Dang, why didn't I think of this? That's just brilliant.

    Oh wait, I did. I mentioned earlier, games hook DX11, and crash to desktop. DX9 and 12 work fine. This is the 4th install on 3rd set of hardware with the same problem.
  9. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    No problems here with several games i tested (using DX11), i.e. BFV in DX11 mode runs fine here.
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  10. capjack

    capjack MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2016
    Thanks, I'll remove a bunch of stuff and reinstall. Maybe that'll work.
  11. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Are you sure it wasn't tinkering with the install causing your initial problems? Before you go to do more crippling....ehhhh...chopping?
  12. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    LTSB 2016 was the latest build where removing features was recommended, the new packs structure in builds 1803 and later with it's sub-packages and dependencies just cries for errors. Additionally there's not much to gain besides a (false) warm feeling.

    Since LTSC is Enterprise i use GPO to configure Telemetry and Windows Update behavior and, reroute most known Telemetry IPs via the system internal IP tables.

    Nice project to keep an eye on: Private Winten - Open Source Windows 10 privacy tool with built in Firewall.
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  13. capjack

    capjack MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2016
    Doubt it. Clean install, only thing that would be a maybe is turning some stuff off with O&O shutup 10. Nothing looks likely from there to have any affect. The fact that things with only DX9 works fine and WoW works fine agrees with that assessment too. We'll try a new install with no internet and just nvidia driver and see what happens.
  14. capjack

    capjack MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2016
    Thanks, I'd rather go that route. Just too bad the windows firewall is so opaque and such a terrible logger. Maybe that'll help with it a bit.
  15. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    #2896 s1ave77, Jan 20, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
    Stay away (and i mean FAR AWAY!) from snake oil like O&O and alike. Some features are badly documented and it's known to fail when reverting some of the 'hacks'.
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  16. #2897 Deleted member 1148457, Jan 20, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2019
    Really? i've been using ShutUp10 on another build I have. I thought it was great a blocking windows settings and telemetry? Also does LTSC and server have DX12?
  17. I rather learn and go that extra mile than to have bloatware and my privacy taken away. All though I think this can be done LTSC somehow, less things would be disabled in server. Unless there is way more tweaking to be done than LTSC? Like beyond GPedit, Registry, and Services.

    I'm curious, someone mentioned earlier and said they thought it was weird how MS left Xbox, People, and other features in LTSC 2019 when clearly the OS is meant to be used on devices like ATM's etc. Can anyone explain why they might of not removed this? It's as if they knew people were making the switch to LTSC. Thus why I want to use Server 2019 instead.
  18. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The ATM explanation is MSFT's official one, but all VOLUME customers get a LTSB/C license too, for normal use on office systems.
    True, well regardless I don't think office users need xbox haha unless they wanna cheat their jobs!