[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Enterprise (N) LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    No there is not. LTSC 2019 is 1809. There most likely won't be another LTSC build until around 2022.
  2. Allanach

    Allanach MDL Novice

    Apr 8, 2017
    Great, that settles it. Was feeling a bit antsy, and was thinking about waiting a month just in case some major update comes out. If we're good for the next couple years, I'll just get it done the now.
  3. xacebop

    xacebop MDL Novice

    Oct 17, 2019
    What is the best build currently on LTSB/LTSC? I am on v1809/17763.805 and its pretty bad. Was going to upgrade to 1903 but its almost universally condemned so I chickened out at the last minute. I mostly use it for 4k gaming, if that matters.
  4. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    #4444 bfoos, Oct 19, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019
    I don't know why some people are so obsessed with LTSC/B builds and dead set against normal editions. And the best of anything is subjective and simply a matter of personal tastes. I'm not advocating Home or even Professional and I don't have anything against LTSC/B or Server editions, but there is nothing wrong with using Education or Enterprise editions of builds 1903/9. You don't have to use the store or any UWP apps. Telemetry can be dealt with. I'd say if you want to try out 1903 then try out 1903. I can assure you that nobody will die if you try it! Your PC won't initiate a global thermonuclear war. Disease and pestilence will not ensue. Seriously, if you're curious, try it. If you like it, great! If you don't you can simply switch to LTSC or Server or Linux or whatever.
  5. xacebop

    xacebop MDL Novice

    Oct 17, 2019
    #4445 xacebop, Oct 19, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
    because we don't want all the bloat all the other versions have. the stuff that remains is removed manually. Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise is night and day for me. Less frustration with removing all the useless features, cortana, overall bs. Store is added easily through a simple cmd. I have all those scripts and things like oosu to remove all the remaining crap on my slave. I usually benchmark immediately upon a fresh install and the difference between pro and enterprise was something like 15%. Blew my mind. I never looked back.

    What is your reason for using Pro over enterprise? You actually like all the uneccessary stuff windows 8/10 added? Some of us hate windows 10 altogether and enterprise is the closest thing possible to windows 7/xp/2000 etc before it all went downhill. I am going up to 19002.1002 now, since they finally fixed the reboot/shutdown bug that everyone seemed to have. My PC can currently play almost everything at a solid 60 fps at 4k, occasionally it starts to dip into mid 50's now, silly yes but that small fraction really matters to me personally.

    the version I have now though is utter garbage though and I was considering going all the way back to 1709 I think it was. going to try the 19002.1002 since the major bug with the build has now been fixed and see how it holds up to what Im using now.
  6. Feniksrising

    Feniksrising MDL Member

    Nov 27, 2016

    Stability. And LTSC only gets the updates that were beta tested by regular users.
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    It gets the regular 1809 updates as all other 1809 skus.
  8. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    #4449 bfoos, Oct 19, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019
    Who said I use Pro? I don't believe I said that at all. I use normal enterprise and or Education editions and remove the crap I don't need. Use OpenShell to restore a sane start menu. And disable cortana. I never knocked LTSC either. Man people are so freaking touchy and defensive these days. Use whatever floats your own personal boat people. :rolleyes:
  9. Feniksrising

    Feniksrising MDL Member

    Nov 27, 2016
    On that I agree. I hate it when people push something. I worked in a phone shop and the first thing I asked is what the customer wanted to do with his device. There is no best solution for all users. Everyone is unique.

    Bleeding edge hardware and the latest triple A games? Don't use LTSC.
  10. teque

    teque MDL Novice

    Jul 8, 2018
    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Cortana's process still run in the background even after disabling it? LTSC doesn't have this problem
  11. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    #4452 bfoos, Oct 19, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
    Yes it does, in a suspended state and only for the search UI since they are still partially integrated. One mans problem is another mans feature I guess. I don't really use the taskbar search feature but do on occasion so if it wants to sit there suspended until I call for it, that's fine with me. My main issue with Cortana is its uncanny ability to activate itself when I'm sitting here alone and watching TV! Seriously, WTF Microsoft! That and the fact that I don't really care for digital assistants. I don't use Google's on my Android devices nor Amazon's on my Fire Stick.

    Fact is that there are some features added in 1903/1909 that I like for mostly aesthetic reasons. I'll likely switch over to LTSC or maybe Server with Desktop Experience when they come back around in 2021/2. 1809 is just too lacking for me. Again, this comes back to personal preference. To each their own.
  12. xacebop

    xacebop MDL Novice

    Oct 17, 2019
    noone even answered my question lol
  13. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    It was answered. The best build of Windows, like the best of anything is subjective. In my opinion, the best is Enterprise 1909 tweaked to my own preferences.
  14. xacebop

    xacebop MDL Novice

    Oct 17, 2019
    yes and what version are you using win+r winver

    "OS BUILD _____.___"?

    also, you can say pretty much everything is subjective. thats a silly thing to say. I am getting black boxes before windows load in explorer in 19002.1002 im not happy with this build. now apparently there's a new version released today thats 18363.418 and higher. confuses the s**t out of me. need something more stable which is why I said I might go back to 1709.
  15. bfoos

    bfoos MDL Guide Dog

    Jun 15, 2008
    I am currently running Enterprise 1909 build 18363.448.
  16. xacebop

    xacebop MDL Novice

    Oct 17, 2019
    cool thats the one i was about to try
  17. xacebop

    xacebop MDL Novice

    Oct 17, 2019
  18. kgtuning

    kgtuning MDL Member

    Aug 26, 2015
    I’m running 17763.805 as well and game in 4k. May i ask, what is pretty bad about it? I haven’t had any issues. But i think maybe its a hardware/software combination that causes the issue.
  19. AndyMutz

    AndyMutz MDL Senior Member

    Jun 30, 2011
    #4460 AndyMutz, Oct 22, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2019
    what is really silly, is the question "what is the best".. personally, I still use LTSB 2016 on my main rig, and I see no need to upgrade, as long as everything works.
