The preferred method of installing Windows updates is Windows Update (very weird, right? I mean.. who would've thought?). DISM doesn't install updates online, when it does, it acts as a client of the Trusted Installer. Windows Update uses precisely that when it downloads new updates (I mean, what else would it use). There is no need to integrate updates manually when you have Windows Update to do it for you cleanly. Win + i -> Updates -> Check for Updates Preferably do that every other day if you don't want automatic updates to ever interfere with any of your work. The answer to that question is almost always no, it shouldn't. Windows Update is what keeps you and everything you have on your system up to date; You should not attempt to turn it off. If you don't have issues with updates, don't attempt to disable them. After installing the system just update it to the newest version using Windows Update.
what a bunch of bulls*** in here. why should my system be insecure, just because i disabled WU service? if i enable it again, all updates will come through. so to this logic, if on patch day, i disable the WU service right after downloading all current updates, it would still be an insecure system. using ltsb since the first version, installed it on the first day and never had any problems with it. same for all my friends and family, so i really don't get the "not meant to be used at home pc's" arguments. it works like it should, like a normal desktop OS. enterprise editions are also not meant to be used at home, still this is ok, but using ltsc is not. logic? of course if you run newer hardware, like for example a ryzen, you would want the newest "normal" windows 10 because of the scheduler fix. (it would still run on ltsc tho) also if you want to play games from the microsoft store, it's adviced to run the latest windows version, since some games will only run on this version. but other then that, there is no reason at all to not use ltsc. everything will work just fine. no feature upgrades every 6-12 months which will break something and are installed like a new install, so you have to install it clean everytime, otherwise you will have a system full with trash. you can disable the telemetry completely there is no store and if you want it, you can install it anyway (or uninstall it again then) i had the latest windows 10 version installed once for testing purposes and holy s*** it was bloated like hell with so many crap. it used almost twice at much ram at windows startup then on a fresh ltsc install. never again. of course everyone can use what they want to, but don't tell lies like it's not meant to be used at home. that is some bulls**t from MS since, without store, cortana or telemetry they will get much less precious data from the user, so of course they don't want people to use it. that is also the reason they try to move companies to other editions, away from ltsc.
but only when you manually do it, after finding out there are updates available The whole purpose of WU is to do it when msft wants it to be done. Some will be able to do that manually and in time, most people i have seen doing this tinkering can't even find the iso in the first place and next they have no clue about how to install ltsc, even if it's the exact same as with every other SKU. Other point is that most LTSx users instantly upgrade to the latest released one as soon as it's released, it is hard to find any LTSB user still on LTSB (exceptions are always there). Hence a normal enterprise or (those who want less pre-installed uwp apps) education, will be approx. the same servicing time (2.5 years). And having ran 1903/9 for a year before i switched to LTSC (approx. 8 months ago) you will experience that it already is behind in development.
Updated the 1809 Updates Overview with the new Preview Updates:
If Windows Store is manually added to LTSC (already installed and online), is a microsoft account required to install an app, such as itunes?
Thanks. I'm investigating and see some chatter about Apple ending the whole itunes thing and splitting it off into different apps -- so maybe windows store itunes will end too, though the buzz is they're hanging onto it in W10, for now.
I installed the first clean ltsc version, and then the february 2019 one. In both cases, audio output device is not detected. I tried windows update, after a reboot, sound is working again but after another, it's back no no audio output device. help pls.
Hello, i see only this languages Languages English (United States), English (Great Britain), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil) It is posible to install other LP? Somehow? Take for example LP from customer version and deploy via DISM?
Unfortunately, DisplayLanguageSwitcher informs that it does not support LTSC version and lpksetup.exe informs that the selected LP cannot be installed. The LP and system versions are the same 1809.
On the system is English but i want to install Polish language so I need still install ?
Your reply comes before my answer is completely finished. Read again and carefully. Polish Locale code 415 17763.1.180914-1434.rs5_release_clientbusiness_vol_x86fre_pl-pl_54d7c6d7c771c42514857276317f673ce074499d.esd Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\MUI\UILanguages\pl-PL] "DefaultFallback"="en-US" "en-US"=hex(7):00,00,00,00 "LCID"=dword:00000415 "Type"=dword:00000092 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Language] "InstallLanguage"="0415" "InstallLanguageFallback"=hex(7):65,00,6e,00,2d,00,55,00,53,00,00,00,00,00 "Default"="0415" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Locale] @="00000415" "(Default)"="00000415" These codes are same for both x86 and x64. Have a good day.