When some is just looking for an ISO: When the newbe wants to now what the iso contains (would be very helpful to me): Same for the checksums... Linking to existing threads is the way it always has been done on MDL, this way every contribution can get the credits.
Does anyone know if Windows 10 LTSC 2019 could be updated to LTSC 2021 through windows update or will it be necessary to do a manual installation?
The big + of Enterprise 2015/2016 LTSB and 2019 LTSC is and hopefully/most likely will still be, it doesn't get feature updates offered on WU, so it can maintain it's 10 year lifecycle. Either that or a very simple option to avoid it from being offered.
Glad you asked this... Have the same question. IoT might though. Although... Once it's released, one can flash the iso to a thumb drive & use the upgrade option. I might be wrong, I dunno... Cheers!!!
Even server 2022 LTSC, available as full feature update on the UUP system, wasn't offered on previous Server LTSC installs.
Of course not, as it requires new license and keys. Should be the same for Enterprise LTSC 2021/2, but, they might surprise us.
Have you tried NVCleanstall (von TechPowerUp)? This will strip all the "garbage" from the driver package, just get what you want/need. I never ran into any "compatibility checks" with my 1050 Ti in 1809.
Yes. The DHC drivers install but I cannot open the Control Panel. The Standard drivers always give an incompatibility error.
New preview on catalog updates: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-661#post-1698348
Just a two cents from experience, but I have an X1 Extreme with a 105ti and Intel graphics. It flat out refused to install the Nvidia drivers from a manual site grab, I had to install the ones provided by Lenovo (which installed both at the same time) - then and only then would the temperamental thing let me upgrade via GE-Experience.
The DHC Version will not work, this package requires the NCP "app" from the Windows Store. The standard driver bundle has the "proper version" of the Nvidia Control Panel.
Nope. DCH downloads the Microsoft Store app which isn't opened through the context menu. I was actually just trying this, but the problem is that Lenovo provides DCH drivers, which seem completely unusable as the system stops the card driver from running. I would chalk it up to the GPU being fried, but remembering that this has already happened once before... I'll try to update the BIOS and if that fails, I'll be reinstalling with non-LTSC Windows.
Try this command line (copy and paste it on an elevated CMD prompt with admin privileges) reg.exe ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer" /v NoNewAppAlert /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 /f
Updated the 1809 Updates Overview: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-17763-xxx-pc-rs5.77945/page-216#post-1490183