I've added my disabled services reg file. context menu is up to the user to put preferred programs and actions depending on your needs. still experimenting.....
If you are worried about integrity/genuineness of iso at public filesharing sites then you are worrying for no reason.You can confirm genuineness of these iso by matching their sha1 hashes. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...terprise-ltsc-2019.76325/page-17#post-1467628
He is asking about .esd files which can be considered as public as there are many tools here at mdl which can extract esd links from ms servers for download.
please help me,please upload d62eb63883babd31d89d7213ff59834247349307 *hu_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_134fe4a3.iso (no need eval version iso)
Anyway If someone is able to download files from msdn, then there must be the links. Hopefully we'll be able to get those files some day.
I don't believe enterprise ltsb/ltsc has .esd file because it is not upgradeable from windows update.
@tibike you can make that iso by yourself. You only need to follow the instructions posted by @Enthousiast a few posts back. I'll link it to you again for your convenience: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-svf-repository.63324/page-128#post-1468363 @jacqlittle same goes for you, you don't need to manually convert svf to iso, the tool will do that for you. INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO MAKE THE ISO BY YOURSELF: 1. download the source iso linked in the post which is a universal "base/starting point" for all languages 2. download your desired language SVF from the repository (link also in the post) 3. download the batch_extract tool (link also in the post) 4. put all of the above stuff in a folder and launch "run _batch_extract.bat" as a result of this you will get your desired ISO, which is 100% the same of the one on MSDN site. You can check that by comparing sha1s
I honestly don't know. Your best bet is to pm @GodHand and see if he has a pre-made x86 version. I can appreciate what you're saying about a super-light, x86 version, but I personally don't trust my skills to successfully adapt GodHand's Optimize-Offline script any further than I already have. I plan to use my modded version of LTSB 2016 script on any old crappy PC (grandma, mother-in-law, family and friends) and the new LTSC 2019 x64 modded version for my more "powerful" PC. As an example of where you would need to start 'hacking,' he just added this bit of code Code: If ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture -ne "64-bit") { Write-Warning "$OScript only supports a 64-bit architecture."; Break } related to this statement in the Optimize-Offline Change Log "The OS architecture is checked before the script initializes to verify a 64-bit system"