That's because windows search is fundamentally tied to Cortana. If you remove all Cortana files search would be broken.
@TheStutch When attempting to use the modified Optimize-Offline Powershell script you posted at #233 I get this error Spoiler Code: Get-WindowsImage : The term 'Get-WindowsImage' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At C:\LTSC\Optimize-Offline-3115-RS5.ps1:452 char:5 + If (Get-WindowsImage -Mounted) { Clear-CurrentMount } + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Get-WindowsImage:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException Unable to attain required image data content.
You're ok, I think you figured it out anyway... so not a n00b at all! I overly worded my explanation! I updated my post and hope I have made things clear Update to post: What's modified in Optimize-Offline-3115-RS5.ps1? I made two modifications to the original script I marked the changes I made and you can see them by searching the modified script for "LTS" Change #1 - Added a few more services based on a list provided by @abbodi1406 Sep 27, 2017 post #4, Change #2 - Block the script from trying to install the legacy calculator. All Long Term Service images already have the legacy calculator installed.
[edit] PowerShell version After writing the below reply, I remembered when I last got errors like you're seeing. It was when I was using an older version of PowerShell. You can also get the type of error you're seeing using a new version of PowerShell on an old version of Windows--probably because built-in DISM is old. In any event, that is another line of investigation to consider. [End edit] Thanks for the the detailed error. AFAIK, line 452 of the script is new for Optimize-Offline Version That line of code tests if your source image is x64 and terminates if it's x86. So the questions are: Are you using the 64-bit version of LTSC 2019? Have you validated your image SH1? (see MSDN links in post #1006) Two possible 'solutions' to try. Put your source image on the top most location of your HDD and change the start code accordingly ( -ImagePath "C:\en_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_74865958.iso") If you're using a 64-bit validated image, than we can get rid of that line 452 test in the script (a hack 'solution') - delete line line 452 or block it from running by using the PowerShell comment symbol (#) Code: #If ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture -ne "64-bit") { Write-Warning "$OScript only supports a 64-bit architecture."; Break }
installed the german windows ltsc 2019 version today. for me, everything runs great. no problems at all. just like in ltsb 2016, calculator and windows photoviewer still works. activation with kms pico worked right away. had no problems with installing or running any driver, program or game. some stuff doesn't need to be disabled anymore like in ltsb 2016, since it isn't installed anymore, like one drive or one drive explorer integration for example. on the other hand there are a few more windows defender and other new services which i had to disable. so overall it's pretty much the same like on ltsb 2016 when it comes to tweaking and disabling settings. the new dark theme for the explorer and desktop context menu is pretty nice. same for gpu usage in the task manager. also adding the microsoft store does already work. downloaded and tried the forza 4 demo and it worked just fine. overall im really happy for now
Just wondering, when activating (I am aware this has to be done every 6 months) with the KMS_VL_ALL script (or any other method for that matter) is the activation/validity not checked by MS when the OS connects to perform updates? i.e. is there any issue with updating going forward or does MS do server side checks every so often and could deactivate/block/disable your copy of LTSC?
Do you know what ltsc is? It doesn't have these features... If you search this thread you can find links to add the store back
I added LTSC support and parameters/features not applicable to LTSC are automatically bypassed. App package slipstreaming will be coming in a build or two.