I pictured that dog in your avatar saying this in a stern voice. I'm pretty content with the settings and whatnot I'm using now. If there's no benefit other than that I don't mind waiting 24 hours.
Nobody is forcing you (nah, MSFT will ) ps, that doggy is a little 11month young devlin but also the sweatest and smartest doggy in the world
I just attempted to take a picture of mine but he wasn't impressed by the flash on my camera and turned around.
I wrote a quick PowerShell script to download the content for offline installation (run in directory with sdksetup.exe): Spoiler Code: &7z.exe x sdksetup.exe 0 $bm = [xml](gc 0) $uemsource = ($bm.BurnManifest.UX.Payload |? { $_.FilePath -eq "UserExperienceManifest.xml" }).SourcePath &7z.exe x sdksetup.exe $uemsource Rename-Item $uemsource "UserExperienceManifest.xml" $manifest = [xml](gc "UserExperienceManifest.xml") $dlroot = $manifest.UserExperienceManifest.Settings.SourceResolution.DownloadRoot $rooturi = [Uri](Invoke-WebRequest $dlroot -MaximumRedirection 0 -Method Head).Headers.Location $payloads = $bm.BurnManifest.Payload.FilePath | select -Unique $payloads |% { $uri = New-Object Uri ($rooturi, $_) $dirname = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($_) if (-not (Test-Path $dirname)) { New-Item -Type Directory $dirname } Invoke-WebRequest $uri -OutFile $_ } Remove-Item 0 -Force
Getting back on topic, if I want to update now. Would my best option be to use the SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_1607_64BIT_English_MLF_X21-06988.ISO coming from current windows 10 pro version 1511?
August 2nd um und drum (appr) early afternoon, western european continental time, 10:00 am redmond USA time
They both can be used, but maybe for you to be save, you could wait till either WU offers it or when the MSDN Multiple Editions ISO's become available.
Note that the update will be rolled out in waves. May take a while until it shows up on WU for everybody.
What are the unsafe possibilities of using SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_1607_64BIT_English_MLF_X21-06988.ISO with like Windows 7 USB Tool? As opposed to waiting for the WU?
Not any in that scenario, there are only a few extra things to do to get this HWID activated, it's been posted a few posts back.
When I downloaded 14393 ISO and installed, it came up not activated I almost had a Bat.1, then I used Windows troubleshooter and it activated mine, mine was OEM, It married up with MS account and saved Bat's life.