Booted my machine a few minutes ago and now it activated automatically. So it appears MS did indeed have some server woes, or they changed something they intended to implement at first.
No. I've updated many times with internet disconnected before starting and I never got boot loop problem.
Microsoft had lied to you. When I've upgraded with internet disconnected windows had always installed old drivers for me.
It's also semantics, which is why I prefaced it with "not exactly". For all intents and purposes, it would've gotten the job done until release.
Nope, it's %systemdrive%\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DeliveryOptimization\8ccdffa15be618977f37fb376760b1053dade1b3 checked x64 both english and polish. Does anyone know the way to force Windows Update to see the new build as update?
RE: Please upload .iso MSDN pl-PL: U can find all of them freely - just use: microsoft[dot]com/pl-pl/software-download/windows10ISO/
bro im on window 8.1 single language , and updated my os to window 10 single language via window update ,month back,now i reverted back to win 8.1 but now i want to instal window 10 again but as u know microsoft has stopped the free upgrade , i hv downloaded iso window10 single language 1607 , so i wana know if i clean installed window 10 is it gona be activated , my lappy came with win 8.1 single language
You have updated your laptop to Windows 10 already, which means it was activated and has a digital ID entitlement. A fresh clean installation of Windows 10 Single Language on the same hardware should work fine.
ESD? Do you want ESD specifically? See OP and look for red text MKUBA50 then take note of this post. Now 99% of everything is available to everyone - including Enterprise direct links.
Yep, and now I wrote the script to block downloading the new compilation. Unfortunately our laptops don't see the update in Windows update yet...