>38-in-1 LTSB yeaaaah no thanks I know how you have to integrate those things and it's a bad idea. Even a 2-in-1 is wasteful and defeats the purpose of using LTSB to reduce unnecessary stuff
The 38 is the LP's integrated, it should only be a problem using it to upgrade a 10240 install in another language than en-US (base language of the iso). edit: didn't consider the extra space it takes to install all LP's, but 2 months before releasedate we shouldn't complain
yea i would do index 1 - clean image rest with few langs to save space all making it big 24giga for LTSB
Language packs add a lot of waste. They might only be 200mb when packed, but when installed they're huge. I haven't downloaded this so I don't know if they simply added them to the setup files and have it auto-install the correct language or what. Actually I might dig through just for s**ts and giggles.
It looks like the LP's are added like abbodi1406's MUI scripts do it, select lang at initial setup and it installs that language.
That is not a problem. You can upgrade any language to any language. All you have to do is to change the setup language on the current installation you intend to upgrade to match the one of the ISO you intend to install.
Thanks! So I can just use an original en-us enterprise ISO to do it. Any other way such as deleting/modifying some specific files on the disc so I don't have to use another iso
Thanks I already read about the fmapi.dll being present, i left the one in mount and testing atm (first testing deleting all lp's but my desired one)