I'd love to if I had that kind of dough lying around. Get a couple (or four) and stick them in a NAS and go to town. Lol, snorting hard drives... Obviously we were talking only about archiving huge amounts of data. 5400RPM is adequate for NAS drives or even media servers. Who in their right minds would use 4 or 8TB boot drives compared to a fast SSD? No problems installing it here. What error did you get? Try creating a new user account (preferably a local one) and see if you can install it there.
Yes people are very strange here They keep talking about things good for storage while discussing about storage solutions.
It was about the version number of the sdk Official windows 10 is at 14393.51 but for those who installed the insider CU it's 14393.67 atm.
where do I access that about windows applet in 10 pro my x-fi titanium got removed from device manager on an Asus x-99a based system with that latest update to 1511 last one to update but I'm half way through Farcry 4 and will use realtek optical to finish