Today i migrated from win 1511 to win 1607 with the latest updates. Before upgrading i unplugged my usb wireless mouse. After the completion of the migration process i plugged in the mouse usb stick. So far so good, everything was ok. I decided to reboot : the boot process hung, i.e spinning circles and no disk access. I unplugged the mouse and rebooted the system: system initialized without problem. I this a known problem? It is incredible that in 2016 Windows i unable to manage a mouse.
Today i migrated from win 1511 to win 1607 with the latest updates. Before upgrading Did this too, several months back. Bunch of problems with my software. Went back to 1511 Charl
I went back to 1511 because the boot process hangs with version 1607 unless i remove the usb stick before booting. My daughter ows the PC and when she forgets to unplug the stick you have to power off the PC. I tryed with another mouse : the first reboot was ok, but again hang on the second one. The process is too uncertain.
Tried it twice--not a problem here. I also have an external USB hard drive that I've booted with many times without any problem. Maybe something in your bios that you're blaming on 1607?
What do you mean? The OS is installed on the HDD, but when i boot the OS from this HDD the boot hangs : nothing happens (except the spinning circles) and no disk access until i unplug the usb stick of the mouse. But the system freezes on the lockscreen. Since the laptop has two HDD, a few weeks ago i formatted the secong HDD and used dism /apply-image : no problem when booting from that drive, but this is similar to a clean install and all applications (Office, Photoshop, etc) have to be reinstalled. May be i shall proceed with a clean install.
I always make clean install and no have problem with update OS. I got freezing, screen turn off and blue screens but from another reason.
At home i migrated four PC to W10 RS1 without problems, except the fifth one. For my old (7 years old) Dell desktop, the migration path was Vistas -> 7 -> 8 -> 8.1 -> 10240 -> 10511 -> RS1. Every time upgrade, no clean install.
I think you have no idea about how the updates works. The only things that takes more storage, but not more computational resources, are the backups of the superseded packages. And those can be easily cleaned with the simple command dism /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase That's a deep cleanup. The normal one is done monthly by W10 itself Anyway that happens on normal WU updates. An in place upgrade takes just the space that a new installation takes, except for the user config data, obviously. An in place upgrade (since Vista) IS a brand new installation that imports programs, user's folders and settings. What you would do by hand on a fresh install. In short a clean install is just a waste of time in 99% of the cases.
No, this PC has no problems in spite of the numerous upgrades. My issue concerns a laptop with a Logitech wireless mouse and, after googling, i see that other peoples undergo the same problem when migrating to AU.
I fully agree with you. Clean installation would be acceptable only if Microsoft provided a tool to reinstall your applications. Laplink proposes a tool (not for free) but it is mainly aimed at migration to an other harware. Mainframes manufacturers propose such tools to ease the transition from one release to an other one.
They had just to allow the SID migration, that would allow to keep the users folder on a separate partition, something that in Linux is possible since the stone age, that would solve a big part of the problems and would allow to share it between different installations. Probably they don't do that to not hurt one of domain's advantages