Well, i did a clean install (format included) this morning, installed build 14393, the only additional software installed after that has been firefox and the nvidia drivers, the taskbar bug persist as i expected so this is not an anomaly caused by the constant build upgrades.
went to links posted had popup all over screen flashing and computer beeping Windows 10 IP Build 14393 .esd Alternative DDL Windows 10 IP Build 14393 Pro x64 EN-US november_rain will wait until the 2nd
Has anyone installed antivirus software on RS1 build 14393 x64? Does the new driver digital signing mechanism prevent the install of third party antivirus software? e.g., Avira, or Kaspersky?
If you turn off secure boot you can install and run the 16.7.2 drivers to your heart's content in 14393 (either through the device manager or via setup.exe.) Also, 16.5.3 has nothing except a SHA-1 certificate, and it installs into 14393 with secure boot on without a problem...at least for me... I worked around the 16.6.x issues by copying the c:\amd\16.5.3 driver folder\bin64 file atdcm64a.sys (Sha-1 only) to c:\amd 16.6.2 driver folder\bin64--and got 16.6.2 to install and run with secure boot on--but the workaround doesn't work any of the newer drivers, I found. So I'm just running the latest drivers with secure boot off until they fix it...It's annoying, eh?
You mean those that expired, or those that are actually wrongly labelled and are actually enterprise? Kinda amusing that a person who has made 4k plus posts has nothing legitimately useful to add.
Bat don't have that many points but here's something you might find useful, Sign in as a Insider and Download it Yourself then You can post the links !