Fully functional and working like explorer are mutually exclusive things. A good browser can't behave like explorer or is not a good browser.
It is mutually exclusive at the moment only in Windows 10 because you can run both Microsoft browsers(Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge) in it. That can not be said of the previous Windows operating system. The reason I used the term 'fully functional' is that Microsoft Edge is still going through development stages with some bugs to forestall and Internet Explorer is not a fair substitute(no modern app extensions support, etc)in the modern age. Rather than looking at the statistical nature of both in one Windows I would argue on the ample evidence what MS Edge has as a promising future for the operating system. Internet Explorer is a good browser though. To some extent it is flexible and that is one of the main reasons most people highly used it in the past, I guess. Yes, a good browser can behave as Internet Explorer and much more as well.
What's that "Technical Preview" you installed? And what's the output of this PowerShell command? Code: Get-PnpDevice -Class HDC | fl
Yes, it is a superficial problem, and it is related to Win10's continuing problems with secure-boot compatibility. Turn off secure boot and Magician correctly registers that AHCI is on and working--but as you mentioned AHCI is indeed on and working regardless of what Magician reports when secure-boot is turned on. I placed that problem on Feedback several times beginning several months back and it is still unaddressed. But it's nothing to worry about since it's superficial and AHCI is on and operating--otherwise the EVO SSDs would not function at all... This is a minor bug as these things go, imo...still, though, it's an annoyance for sure. These are not the only problems relative to secure-boot compatibility that Microsoft has yet to iron out. Not even bcdedit commands will work from CLI if secure-boot is enabled, etc., but they work fine when secure-boot is turned off.
Had this problem with 14390 and even now. Try to disable Secure Boot in your Bios. When I disable Secure Boot , Magician does report AHCI, however the benchmark the same and AHCI is active, seems like Magician issue.
Okay, it's an issue with Samsung's software then. Clearly your SATA controller is indeed running in AHCI mode. That's not a bug, that's a feature. Some BCD settings such as testsigning or debugging are intentionally blocked from taking effect when using Secure Boot.
Had to do this last night when my games rig updated to this build as it threw a BIOS BSOD code and looped until I did.
Hahahahahahahahaha One of the greatest quote ever, together with "the w10 start menu is an unmatched piece of art"
Lol... Do you expect me to say it is a bad browser? It is not the best but a good browser because it serves its purposes very before other universal browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox,etc come into the limelight.