Whey are they going to release cumulative updates for a beta build? Just make another build and release it
I completely disagree with your statement. You can only speak for yourself. There is no need of bringing other people's views you are not entitled to into this argument. I stand by the viewpoint Microsoft Edge is a very good browser.
For .3 We have fixed an issue where keyboard input on some Windows tablet devices would not rotate to landscape normally. We have fixed an issue that results in Windows Updates being delayed on systems with Connected Standby. We have fixed a problem with text input with Korean Input Method Editor (IME) in some Store apps. We fixed an issue causing Store apps to stop launching due to a licensing issue. We have fixed an issue with apps that synchronize using DDE for inter-process communication.
Grow up son. Smartscreen is another mass control tool, just like defender and the other trash included in the stock distribution, just like edge which is also a crappy browser. The only people who disagree are a bunch of apple like brainwashed sheep. Fortunately a minority, for now.
Code: Package Identity : Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~14393.3.1.0 State : Superseded Release Type : Update Install Time : 7/25/2016 10:10 PM Package Identity : Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~14393.5.1.0 State : Installed Release Type : Update Install Time : 7/25/2016 10:10 PM /resetbase removes the superseded CU.