10586 is simply Service Pack #1 and 14393 is Service Pack #2 Oops Not posed to use Service Pack anymore
Hey guys, newbie here. I just upgraded from 10586.420 en-gb x64 to 14393.0 en-gb x64 via iso. I tried checking for updates because I heard that the latest build was 14393.6 but there's no new updates. Was it because that build is just for fast ring insiders or was it because I done goofed somewhere during the upgrade?
Use your insider MSA in "settings" > "security and security" > "insider program" to login and you'll receive the insider CU, it will be build 14393.5. Or download the updates from the Hotfix Repo and dism it in Edit, antonio, you were first (stupid keyboard overhere) ps, 14393 should be on the slow ring too, afaik.
I had to look up the exact names for the settings path My keyboard is covered in cigaret ashes and the characters are burned off
These are really different from service packs. Service packs were clearly add-ons--here, we're really reinstalling virtually a whole new OS with these updates.
Just use Windows 7. All versions of WServer required a long way of tuning and polish, starting from disabling Administrator built-in account. WS 2008 - Optimus technology doesn't work. I'm in doubt if this technology MAGICKALLY will work in WS 2016.
1st win7 isn't any lighter than a cleaned w10 or wserver 2016, it's actually slower (often way slower) 2nd The server 2016 is not 2008 or 2003, practically everything works out of the box, you need just few remaining tweaks that you can do with few mouse clicks from a single place using the usual MSC2012. As usual the urban legends are always hard to die