Well, I did get her up and running, thanks for the help. Now, do the same privacy fixes still work..?? Are there any preferred these days over other others...?? Thanks
Not exactly true. If you take a look at WZOR's twitter, you'll find the 88-in-1 image which does contain the 1607 version of Home.
That's homebrew, made from the esd files from the tlu/WU links, NO MSDN Multiple Editions ISO available at this moment.
10:00am pacific time, 1:00pm eastern. It may be difficult with Windows Update. Better to use TechBench or the Media Creation Tool.
Manually using an iso will give you more options on what to keep. Windows Update will keep everything, no choices. You also could mod the iso yourself if you wanted.
Can you elaborate? Keep what? What wouldn't I want to keep that I currently have? //sorry if this has been asked before. This thread like every thread here gets bloated around a new release.
No waiting. Windows Update doesn't necessarily distribute it to all systems initially. Even if it picks yours, you'll still be waiting . . . . . .
Not much "bloat" lately. Just what i said, WU upgrade will keep all files and settings and manually upgrading using an iso gives choices, you wanted the difference/pros/cons, this is it