[QUOTE = "Enthousiast, post: 1594382, membro: 104688"] Per poter pubblicare gli svf, ci deve essere il primo iso ufficiale. [/ CITAZIONE]
Can you provide a download link for the source iso and one of the svf patches? And don't use spacings in the bbcode for the quote.
[QUOTE = "Enthousiast, post: 1594386, membro: 104688"] Puoi fornire un link per il download dell'iso sorgente e una delle patch svf? E non usare le spaziature nel bbcode per la citazione. [/ CITAZIONE]
member since 2009 & total comment since then in the last 11 yrs is 32 only. that's quite self-explanatory of the fact that the KSA can't be judged by the account opening /registration date, isn't it?
I am registered since 2009, then for a good few years I have not visited the forum anymore ... I have few messages published
And now in english, and don't use spacings in the bbcode, the reply function does it correctly for you.
I've got a pretty consistent bug on 3 PCs now with this build. Windows update attempts to install the Intel display driver and fails. The failure is reported as possibly being caused by my driver being newer than the one Windows updates is trying to install. It says it will try again and fails again, endlessly. Seems like an actual bug as Windows update you not be even trying to replace a driver if the installed one is newer than the one MS has.
Try uninstalling your present graphics driver on one PC. This build uses WDDM 2.7 and so the WU version which is not the latest may be best for you, until Intel catches up with 27.x drivers.
I disable WuDriverUpdate. Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate] "ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DriverSearching] "SearchOrderConfig"=dword:00000000
I am just reporting the bug. Fixing it here is trivial and I would not even mention it if this happened on one system but since it happens pretty consistently I suspect that a lot of users will see this. The version WU has is irrelevant as it should not be trying to replace a newer version with an older one. Many drivers I have installed are newer than the ones on WU but only the Intel graphics drivers are seeing this bug.
That would hide the bug from me personally, I don't see how that helps anyone else. I am not interested in hiding the bug, I am interested in reporting it.