Hi, I need help I no like open new thread and ask here. What is need add in Autounattend.xml script for part in OOBE what is need add I have first part for hdd configured, but break in oobe for version 2004. I see some deprecated options.
Wrong thread : this is for Windows 10 2004 which doesn't include LTSC 2019. Go to the LTSC 2019 thread.
Guys, can anyone tell me how to cope with a temporary solution for a TRIM? I don't want the Windows 10's scheduled optimization enabled because of the ongoing bug, defragmenting SSDs. Are you using any 3rd party program? My 860 EVO writing speeds dropped significantly from 500 MB to 300 MB.
I reverted my OS back to LTSC 2019. Maybe in a few months Microsoft will release a solution to this bug. Maybe they don't give a damn, no one knows. It's as stupid as it gets. In this day and age, an OS can not properly handle hard drives. I mean, WTF Microsoft?
You can manualy trim I think the only thing is after reboot it wil register as never done before so no biggy
I trimmed manually, however the performance drop is still there. I think the OS should do it more regularly, on 1909 I had 500 read/500 write, now it has dropped to 300 with the same drivers and everything, and yes, I did clean reinstall. I guess I will revert to 1909 or LTSC.
No drop here btw on this build you know you have to install certtain driver for ssd nvme disks ? to perform well for example
I have the recommended IRST driver as well as Samsung Magician, and also my SSD is SATA, so no NVMe. On previous build, I have benchmarks that is 500/500 and almost full (excluding the 10 % overprovision).
Seems legit I know from past experience that some times with benching if there is too much going on at the back ground the bench will give a lower score but it is worth to investigate what happend there just curious
Home to CoreCountrySpecific is a downgrade (not allowed by the edition matrix). Professional keys are verified with Microsoft servers during a key change in this upgrade path. Are you sure you didn't have Internet access then?
- In Core edition running dism /online /english /Get-TargetEditions shows CoreCountrySpecific in target and change is supported with the retail key but not with GVLK. - Home to other edition change all tests were done while being offline. Professional GVLK shouldn't be different from other editions in this context.
That's definitely CoreSingleLanguage (a virtual edition - literally no upgrade behavior in relation to Core, just a key* change) and not CoreCountrySpecific. You probably mixed it up with ProfessionalCountrySpecific. * - no official GVLK for CoreSingleLanguage, you'd have to generate it yourself. Edit/Correction: I used the retail key for Professional. Sorry Upgrade to Professional with GVLK is blocked due to (stupidly easy) potential illegitimate upgrades from Core for retail users. (The reason is that GVLK keys are not verified on Microsoft's part, while retail keys are which allows them to stop illegitimate upgrades. Unless you disconnect from the Internet )
All Win10 product.ini contain it gvlkcoresinglelanguage it's that no official KMS Server will activate Core variant editions
- It's CoreCountrySpecific. - If someone at the MS wanted to block the home to pro upgrade with GVLK, they should have blocked the other higher edition (e.g. Eduation.Enterprise) upgrade with GVLK as well, but they didn't.