Yeah it's fixed but I still get Event 264, The storage optimizer couldn't complete retrim on HGST (H) because: The operation requested is not supported by the hardware backing the volume. (0x8900002A) Clean install 19042.450 updated with 19042.487.Cab
That hardware error is one I've received from an unsupportive controller. I'm curious, have you tried to trim using either of the following commands: At an elevated command prompt: Defrag C: /L /U Where "C" is the letter of the drive you wish to trim. At the Powershell prompt: Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter C -ReTrim -Verbose Where "C" is the letter of the drive you wish to trim.
Well, because it didn't affect you, it doesn't mean it always behaved harmlessly like that on all systems. Windows periodically can end up doing full defrags on ssds due to fs fragmentation, it's expected behavior. The main issue was that on some systems windows didn't just trim an ssd on every first attempt after "Never run" was set after a reboot (or for that matter, on every daily maintenance schedule). It did in fact always attempt to fully defrag that ssd+trim by the end, and only after that, finally only do the trim procedure after a temporary last run date was set. I can guarantee that, because I had one system in that state after a 1909>2004 upgrade. Then after a later return to 1909 and then back to 2004, it just trimmed every time as expected. It looks to me that a flag was (genuinely) set for the ssd requiring a full defrag state only once after the windows upgrade (or just inherited) but was never re-set properly after the full defrag/optimize operations, and then it got stuck on it. Fortunately, all will be in the past with this update.
Hello all; how to install windows 2004H2 without the option "powercfg.exe / hibernate on". because the option after installation "powercfg.exe / hibernate off" leaves empty space on the disk.
@JuliusB What do you mean by "leaves empty space on the disk"? Edit: Are you asking if there's another way to disable hibernate?
Turn off Hibernate in Command Prompt (Run as Admin). Should enter this; C:\Windows\system32>powercfg -h off This will delete the Hibernate file "free up" the space normally taken by Hibernate file.
Hi guys! Would you tell me please approximately when is Microsoft planning to release Windows 10 20H2 ?
If your worried about the free space slot left behind as shown in your capture, just perform a free space defrag once you turn off hibernate. Shouldn't defrag an SSD but just once would not hurt - not much anyway.