I installed 19041.264 clean install and updated it to 19041.541. The problem is that I can enable the new Start Manu with Registry like in 19041.423.
@Enthousiast There's a weird(?) bug when you somehow manage to crash SpeechRuntime.exe the Accesibility icon in the bottom left corner of the screen will turn on Display settings. You can go to network card settings from there with minimal effort (for non-technical people). I have managed to break it several times in my tests (by just f**king around in OOBE) but never consistently. Using an account that exists and failing to input the correct password will always let you skip the online sign-in step though.
I am 110% sure that this did not happen. First of all, I did not even see the connections window because I did not know the command that brings it up. And second, windows was probably downloading something in the background when I tried to shift+f10, so it lagged a bit (4th gen i3 laptop, hdd). I noticed that the screen flickered a little and switched to its native resolution, so it was probably the display driver. When I pressed shift+f10 for the first time nothing happened. I pressed it a couple more times to be sure and a bunch (3 or 4) of windows came up after a while. I picked one and typed the netsh blablabla command. NONE of them was brought on top when I hit alt+tab after that, although they were all visible in the alt+tab preview thingy. Btw, what is mini alt+tab that @BAU mentioned above?
Next time use this: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...20h1-2-vb_release.80763/page-235#post-1620612 was not even mentioned in the tutorial.
interesting, tried out a clean install using a "fresh" 19042.541 iso education, seems the only tile pinned to start was onedrive, lol, no office or onenote as previous editions, maybe ms is cleaning up the start
The start menu never works for me I start adding apps to it, it works fine for a while then it would randomly add a duplicate of one app that I can't remove or move so I always end up using Open-shell although I wish there was a way to fix it. When I run the start menu troubleshooter tool it throws an error saying that it couldn't start Cortana or something (I have Cortana disabled and the Cortana app uninstalled)
I have the old Start Menu (After making clean install of 19041.264 and update it to 19041.541 manually). I can't add subkey under 0 in registry : I don't have premmision to do it. Edited : Problem solved.
Happy 6th anniversary Windows 10—thank you for being with us! 9841 was Released for Download on 1 Oct. 2014. <[email protected]>
Does anyone else have a scaling issue after you close a steam game? I close out a game and my start menu goes from 300% down to what seems like 100%. I use a 4k tv, nvidia 2080ti on the latest driver. Not end of the world but just curious if anyone had something similar happen. I’ve searched online but can’t seem to find my issue. Thanks in advance.