Hello does anyone know if this build has issues with wacom? Does it break like messed up pressure sensitivity? Thanks!
Why do you keep replying to things i havent said ? I didnt mention a build number I posted a link that i copyed a few seconds before i posted it . If you dont like it complain to uupdump ? And get off my back .
Guy get a grip on yourself and stop stalking me . Click on the link i posted again ...... and apologise .
The url on website is stating an old build but points to the latest. (it's in your screenshots as well.) case-sensitive is correct here
He is correct but not mentions once what the actual latest public build is, only after clicking it will show the actual build. Mystery is solved.
Yes i am and its f**kin annoying . Itsat least the third time in a few days that hes posted ' answers ' to things i havent said ....... and / or quoted me and replyed to something someone else has said . For instance in a thread about firefox and in a thread where someone talked about ntlite . ' Strange ' is that i clicked on the link to the latest public release and it showed version 19041.330