And still this build will be the one for the next major release. With .84 now x64 clean install works again. 18362.1 also didn't get an ISO but still is the base for all 18362/3 builds. Updates are publicly available on WU, only fod's like dotnetfx35 by add/remove features have no download files available.
It still has the UEFI boot issues, that is it doesn't boot like a full uefi environment (I've tested 18363 isos which work like a charm).
I am preparing a test on a real system but in x86 UEFI VM, the x86 19041.84 ISO boots fine, same for the x64 ISO on a x64 UEFI VM. Update: on my second system, csm disabled and secureboot on, all installs fine.
Yeah. I see. Thanks for reporting. Did you use W10UI for integration? @abbodi1406Maybe because of boot.wim resetbase by W10UI?
My desktop machine still works fine after the recent updates, my laptop (which initially had upgrade issues - I think updating all applicable drivers and cleaning the stale versions from the driverstore helped with this but could be random) now can't log in it's single (admin) user (neither with PIN, nor password).
I think i understand the driver responsible for failure to upgrade. I have media center from MDL installed and hacked on the OS. I will de-install it as well as perform a clean boot scenario without 3rd party services and startup items. I saw MCE mentioned more than once in panther upgrade logs. In general, it is useful to dig around in the $windows folder created by the upgrade setup each time, to see what it tried to do.
convert-UUP.cmd has a condition for build 18890 and later, it set bootmenupolicy legacy because there was issue regarding that, not sure if it fixed in 19041 or not you can rem comment these lines or remove them (starting line 492) Code: if %_build% geq 18890 ( set "bcde=bin\bcdedit.exe" set "BCDBIOS=ISOFOLDER\boot\bcd" set "BCDUEFI=ISOFOLDER\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd" !bcde! /store !BCDBIOS! /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy %_Nul3% !bcde! /store !BCDUEFI! /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy %_Nul3% attrib -s -h -a "!BCDBIOS!.LOG*" %_Nul3% attrib -s -h -a "!BCDUEFI!.LOG*" %_Nul3% del /f /q "!BCDBIOS!.LOG*" %_Nul3% del /f /q "!BCDUEFI!.LOG*" %_Nul3% )