Nope, not yet, but expect it to be included in the next LCU (info by @abbodi1406). MSFT also didn't include the dotnetfx35-48 CU.
Can anyone help with a link to Enterprise N Evaluation image. Doesn't matter 19041/19042/19043. All I see is Enterprise Eval, but I need Enterprise N Eval for testlab N should be present on the ISOs.
Unfortunately it is not: Get-WindowsImage -ImagePathi nstall.wim ImageIndex : 1 ImageName : Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation ImageDescription : Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation ImageSize : 15 636 352 987 bytes As I understand it was only in 19041.1, but I can't find Eval images
WIM has ONE image. That is "Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation". I need "Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation N" (or is it "Windows 10 Enterprise N Evaluation")
I don't have additional license. It's customer testlab, must be crystal clear in licenses, so Eval. They use only N versions, so looking for Eval N. I know it exists, need to find
If you mean upgrade, I doubt EVAL will upgrade. I've checked all 1904x Enterprise EVAL ISOs, see my previous post. ps, Code: [01] 07/10/2019 en-US x64 10.0.18362.418 Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation | EnterpriseEval No EVAL N either on 190x.
Quick question, does anyone miss the "improved" Settings (with the account name, Onedrive, browser config, Update on top)? The Meet icon in the tray? In the latest 19042.867. I don't really need these but I'm mildly irritated that they disappeared on my main PC. I have 3 PCs and a VM, and on each (but my main PC) all of these (server-side enabled?) features are there, I used to have them on my main PC, and they disappeared, and I can't imagine what I could've done. Another small irritation is that on my GFs PC, her Your Phone app that she almost never uses get new features (like showing Contacts now) weeks faster than I am. It's just so weird, we're on the same network, her PC is older, her phone is a bit older too.
Btw, you probably the best one to ask, why no Eval is on UUP, if microsoft.modernapps.client.enterpriseneval.esd and microsoft-windows-editionspecific-enterpriseneval-package.esd (plus same for normal Eval, not N) exist in every build of UUP? Isn't it just converter, which doesn't allow to create them?
I am not an expert on the conversion but, afaik, it's regulated by MSFT, better to ask @abbodi1406 or @luzea