Here we go again... The cab files from UUP dump have no extension and "weird" names, download the file and rename it to the name shown in the link or how it's published. This can't be new for you, it has been this way for quite some time and i provide .cab(bed) mirrors. Out band updates are released updates on days there are no updates scheduled, to fix stuff quickly (like kyocera printer problems when installing the previously released LCU).
In this case, since I want to have the most recent updates, I shouldn't download the LCU MSU file (KB5001567) but the latest SSU CAB file (ssu-19041.897-x64) and the latest LCU CAB file (KB5000842) since the latter isn't available on MSU format for some reason and because of that I also need a SSU file, right?
= latest public LCU = current Beta Channel IP ssu/lcu. IP updates will never be released in .MSU format, .CAB only.
Ok, but in order to have the currently most recent updates I should do what I said (since the current Beta Channel updates are more recent than the most recent public updates), right?
Updated the 20H1/2 21H1 Updates Overview, included some guidance for uptodate and ISO creation needs.
Are there still SSU Preview or are they now all called SSU only? Are all CAB updates called "Preview" and MSU ones not called that? I think there are some updates which are only released on CAB format. What does "WinPE Rej." mean?
I thought only CAB updates were called "Preview" but there are some updates which are apparently only released on CAB format so I guess those updates don't have a non-Preview version. Also, what's "WinPe Rejuv"?
I have no clue how a brain works when it comes up with that conclusion. On the insider preview channels there are only .cab files, because it's all WU only, and on WU only .CAB files are used. Other then insider preview updates, the du for sources is cab file only too. MSFT uses the .CAB compressed format for container usage too. Winpe Rejuvenation update = du for safeOS.
Then in which situations are MSU files used and how can we know if UUP updates are called "Preview" or not? Where does one get DU for sources if not from Insider Preview?
Do you mean like this ? 19043.899.210306-1549.21H1_RELEASE_SVC_PROD2_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
flash is now gone and new edge is embedded less updates in installed updates seems snappier downloading from uup dump 19043.899. then again even you fresh install this it will remain anyways as ver 19043 1/2/3 there is no rtm on this it just a Cumulative update what ever update be final for 21/h1 release then more updates to bog windows and errors