1. Gadget-Man

    Gadget-Man MDL Novice

    Jan 8, 2016
    Thanks, there seems to be en rar download link, but the sfv link is en_gb.

    is there an easier way to get it maybe.
  2. Gadget-Man

    Gadget-Man MDL Novice

    Jan 8, 2016
    Ok thanks, sorry I’m quite rusty these days, I just wanted to get the en_gb iso that’s all, to save mucking about afterwards.

  3. Gadget-Man

    Gadget-Man MDL Novice

    Jan 8, 2016
    All sorted, many thanks for your help to you both.
  4. donmiller

    donmiller MDL Addicted

    Jun 4, 2016
    #6925 donmiller, Apr 5, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
    Since I can't redact what I said, "UUP is a waste of time for me...", then some clarification is in order.

    There are so many MSFT sources for Windows ISOs, it has been easier for me to just download and install an MSFT ISO and let Windows Update (WU) manage the update process after that, rather than download the files from UUPDUMP.NET and build an updated ISO, and then do an in-place upgrade or clean install with that UUP ISO.

    My comment about MSFT not "playing dice" with their ISOs is derived from the idea that when you download an MSFT ISO, you can often verify that download with an SHA1 or SHA256 hashcode. Whenever I've built UUPDUMP.NET ISOs, they are always a different size and that doesn't support the use of a consistent hashcode for verification. It feels like I'm playing dice with the size of the UUP ISO.

    It is definitely fascinating to watch a UUP script download and create a UUP ISO. Hypnotizing! I've done this many times and watched my whole afternoon evaporate! If building UUP ISOs is something that you like to do (and you have the time to do it) then don't let my comments stop you. Continue on...
  5. All credits go to @nononsence for original WindSLIC
  6. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    #6927 AveYo, Apr 5, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021
    - EU GDPR was the answer to microsoft's total lack of respect for user privacy starting with the "free" Windows 10 in 2014.
    Microsoft kept invading user privacy even after GDPR went in effect in mid 2018.
    Misleading users and "resetting" privacy choices was the favorite circumventing MO, many of us have seen it with our own eyes.

    - Telemetry data indeed won't make a case, that's by design - It's virtually anonymous for 3rd parties.
    But microsoft themselves can un-anonymize it quite easily. Hint:Digital license? you're not anonymous (that's the main reason why ms extended support for more editions).
    And Diagnostic Data Viewer is not just incomplete, but worse - it's cherry-picked - useless for the privacy-conscious

    - Telemetry by default, often with incomplete opt-out is the cancer of software design
    To hell with unsolicited "improvements" that are actually RAT-like "studies", "coverage", "experiments", and skewed "A-B testing".
    Draining processing power, bloating software, playing mind-tricks on users, grabbing every little detail on how it is used? No. Bug reports/surveys? I'm game!
    Then it's the perverse effect on developers more and more ignoring actual user feedback and get disconnected from reality, because "trust the data".
    Windows 10 got better after 1903 because of resumed actual testing in-house (due to cpu vulnerabilities implications, not having at least a skeleton testing crew would have hurt a lot). Insider program reports and the extended telemetry that comes with it, still lacking so many years later.

    - Not sure what's with the "bloat" shouts into the mix, seems whataboutism to end the telemetry subject
    But oh, sweat summer child, I got (old) news for you. Some have had glimpses of ml picture recognition, under the guise of "sorting library better". Even less have caught environment recordings. Coincidentally arabic users. Not much waves about it, as it was supposedly done for a good cause, war on terror and all that. I'm so glad that stopped, and our persian friends can focus on real issues, such as WaaS on s**tty internet ;) Now for some actual conspiracy theory: EternalBlue was an inside job..

    - Fast forward to 2020
    Microsoft is back to their old mischief, with anything remotely pesky done via ChrEdge.
    Different rules apply, easier to exfiltrate stuff, they don't give two s**ts about GDPR anymore because they don't have to - it's genius!
    So as long as we don't use (and uninstall) ChrEdge, we can drop the tinfoil hat (assuming prior opt out of default telemetry stuff via settings)

    I genuinely enjoy Windows 10 more atm, not having to worry about host blocks and other rabbit holes - stuff I don't want is now condensed in the browser I do not use (bonus: 21H1 not restoring ChrEdge, for now), Education has less bloat and telemetry points by default, privacy choices stick after update/upgrade, and I can address the slower performance via online package removal without the os going crazy like it used to.
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  7. Slarko

    Slarko MDL Novice

    Aug 25, 2016
    Why are you deleting your own posts after a couple of days/weeks? Your profile is literally empty. This is not how a forum works. If you have a problem with your previous posts it's better to not post anything.
  8. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The LCU now is taking care of that;)
  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Profile posts is not the forum, what forum posts (in the threads) did he delete?
  10. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    Well, .906 at least did not. Does that even count? Sure fells like it doesn't.
    I guess they can start ignoring EndOfLife registry keys at any time, if more people do it ;)
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  11. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    LCU kb5000842 (19043.906) integrates Edge Chromium.
  12. rcstar6696

    rcstar6696 MDL Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2017
    #6933 rcstar6696, Apr 5, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
  13. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    #6934 AveYo, Apr 5, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021
    technically, it breaks the flow of threads
    it can be seen as annoying / disrespectful / disingenuous / trolling towards the other members interacting in the board, now or at some point
    if your past posts don't stand the test of time, then maybe you lack the conviction or say dumb stuff ;)
    besides, where you not just declaring privacy concerns dead and buried? why the hate on crawlers then? I don't buy it, it's always about people.
    if somebody harasses you online, I am sorry, that's bad. If you need your quoted posts deleted as well I'm sure the mods would be receptive ;)
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  14. chlynx

    chlynx MDL Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    What is LCU? How Windows 10 19043.867 is performing according to you? is it good to go for a normal user?
  15. Wait, is Windows 10 21H1 released?
  16. rcstar6696

    rcstar6696 MDL Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2017
    #6937 rcstar6696, Apr 6, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
  17. PiratePaprika

    PiratePaprika MDL Novice

    May 17, 2020
  18. ceo54

    ceo54 MDL Addicted

    Aug 13, 2015
    I apologies for not reading the newspaper's length of post but this particular line has caught my eye and as a user I disagree with forced telemetry. Users should have an option to opt out should they choose to like previous version of Windows allowed the users to and they still innovated and developed at rapid pace, please tell me without forcing the telemetry down our throats for decades, how did Windows 10 and it's mandatory telemetry came to be ?

    Also, opt-out means complete opt-out not partial opt-out, not semi-partial opt-out. I don't want my machine and my data to be used as a testing ground for improving beta products and it's my right to refuse this and I'm being denied my basic right by the tech giants Google and such.
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    O My God such a big lengthy Comment :eek: