The link leads to a previous update progress with the old du for safeOS: Code: 2/7: [WinPE]
Noob question here, how do i get to do a fresh install iso of "windows pro for workstation" wich esd should i pick (client buisness or the client retail) and select multi arch or just pro version?
Profws is not available by ESD (only by using create_virtual_editions.cmd or after installing pro or up by license switch), MVS/Techbench ISOs or UUP dump ISOs contain the SKU directly.
Old-style - imagex.exe (or ImageX PS module) Newer-style - Get-WindowsImage -imagepath e:\sources\install.wim | fl * best way is 3d-party wimlib-imagex.exe info e:\sources\install.wim
Reconstruct / clean install Windows 10 Enterprise G. After updating, the LCU will remove Edge Legacy and won't install Edge Chrome. (by Product Policy it doesn't have Windows Defender too)