Useful pack, though I would recommend anyone to replace the out of date Defender cab dated Nov 19 with the latest one. You can download them in either threads in my signature below.
warm greetings to the whole community and I take this opportunity as we are close to Christmas to wish you all happy holidays. I'm here to write because I need help finding the quoted files even if they are more than a year old. SVF versions are fine too. I thank those who can help me @Enthousiast
I also checked his sources and couldn't find what I needed. Perhaps in his archives he can help me find them again somewhere. Anyway thanks to you: @(\_/)^(\_/) @GezoeSloog @LostED @Enthousiast
Why dont you create base 19041.1 iso from UUP dump in needed language then integerate Nov2020 updates to it via abbodi1406 W10UI script tool . Just an idea but dont know the actual need of you in this case.
i have tried so with success but it take longe time to finish ( for me 5 hours) do u know if msmgtoolkit can do same job?
Never used toolkit to integerate updates as W10UI by abbodi1406 is awesome script tool itself . i only use MSMG toolkit to remove packages from offline image nothing else. Edit : Main reason cuz it remove Edge Chromium & its dependencies from offline Image & theres no any offline workarround till date for this anywhere on MDL.
Of course I thank @Enthousiast for the help and @GezoeSloog for his availability of the archive. Link ok and in download. But what is the link for his complete archive because from his link on Multilingual SVF Collection on I can't open it with the result of a directory not present.