Monday is "Backup Monday", Tuesday is "Patch Tuesday", Wednesday is "Hacker Wednesday", Thursday is "Out-of-Band Thursday", and hopefully Friday is not "Restore-Friday" and we don't have to restore the backup we made on Monday. With all that's going on between Ukraine and Russia, does anyone know if we are still going to be able get MVS ISOs this month?
For users with "compatible" hardware, like @bonesz , yes. For users without that hardware, not so much.
Ill be honest in the beginning of windows 10 it was terrible but in the later stages it wasn't that bad infact Id say it was one of the best operating systems Microsoft put out besides windows xp and 7. On top of that windows 10 has one of the best taskbars. The windows 11 taskbar looks good for touchscreens but i couldnt imagine getting any work done on it. and in my opinion windows 11 just looks odd. I pray that this isnt the final build of windows 10.
My opinion is that Windows 10 is the best OS that we can get from MSFT at this moment. If XP and Windows 7 could provide all the drivers we need, and we could secure these older legacy operating systems, then they would remain viable. But I can't get the drivers I need to run them on my hardware. I don't think I could ever consider a touch screen as a production machine as long as I am sitting at a desk. If I had to be mobile, and on a production floor, where I was moving about a lot, then I would use a touch screen. But you nearly have to be on top of a touch screen to operate it. My step-daughter (who works at a desk) handed me her touch screen and it was covered with residue. So I cleaned it before using it. Think about that for a moment. She was touching a screen that she was supposed to look at all day and it was covered with gunk. Constantly cleaning the screen would be a distraction for me. So the touch screen thing is not for me. The Windows 11 interface also needs work.
and I also think windows 10 kinda looks better than 7. I like how windows 10 made touchscreen simply a feature instead of the main focus of the os like windows 8 and 11.
Opinions. I prefer Windows 7 over 10. Other people will like different looks, altogether. What MS hasn't learned yet is choice.