I've never been a big fan of EPs, because I don't undertand their purpose. New features are installed by LCUs. Why not enable those features at the time they are installed by an LCU? Why require an enablement package, to activate the dormant features? If someone has an answer for this, then please share it.
The EP was invented to speed up the "new major build" scam because of the windows team transition to azure and wanting to sync the developments, remember? Only in combination with a certain build LCU it will bump up to the next fake major release build and enable any new features brought by the LCU.
Yes, I recall some discussion about that. So is .1806 the minimum LCU build needed for 22H2? Or do we need to wait for another LCU (or two) before the 22H2 EP will actually work?
We first need to get the 22H2 EP But as shown, the 1806 build should be able to do the job with the actual EP.
when you install the 22H2 nums. your microsoft account under devices tab will show the version of windows installed is 19045.1806.
does microsoft work on making windows faster and not new features.? do they improve windows or they perform worst after u[dates. are they like in android that they add things that will perform better and at times gives more battery.
i have intel i7 , 7th generation processor and i don't want to move to windows 11 , windows 10 is doing nice and stable.