This happens when a FOD (mostly .netfx35 or a language setting change) is enabled after the integration or installation of the LCU is done. You can't integrate it, you could install it by setupcomplete.cmd, many use a registry setting to completely avoid it to be offered at all.
Pardon me, English is my second language. By breakthrough I meant newer build yet smaller in size. Breaking the cycle of every update making the installation image larger. This breakthrough would be 20H2.2075 weighting f.e. 3.4GB (install.esd). 22H2,1826 is 3.4GB. All first publicly available official ESD's are similar in size. From what I saw in abbodi's ESD repos, older Windows' get bigger and bigger with updates. 20H2.450 is about 3.4GB, .1706 is 3.9GB. Using UUPDump I made 20H2.2006 ISO and with CleanUp, ResetBase and ESD it's somehow 3.72 GB. I presume it's because wimlib-imagex uses stronger compression? But that takes too long on my computer and I like to have fresh install medias.
The amount of increasing file sizes depends on the method of cleanup that is performed, seems MSFT does clean the ISOs, causing problems when trying to install beta and rp channel updates.
Your argument doesn't make any sense. You can't fill up 1 TB. I can't fit on 10 TB. Right now I have more than 1 TB of free space, but only because I recently subscribed to Microsoft 365 and I have there this 1 TB. HDD's are now reasonably priced but I literally can't add another 3.5incher, have to replace one of 3tb's. So if I buy a 4TB HDD, i get only additional 1TB of space, yet pay for 4TB. I've reached a scaling problem (is that what they call it?
Thanks for this information. Fortunately I mostly stay away from previews or betas. What are the methods of cleanup and why it can be problematic?
Size matters, always. No need to post your usual fanboish comments to back any idiotic choice MS make. Ever heard about virtualized environments, where you have maybe 30 VMs running from the same storage. Not only they removed the space saving 32 bit edition, they keep bloating the 64bit one, and they don't even sell HDDs... Just pointless consumerism in the name of fake innovation.
Original 19045.1826 TB ISO: Code: Name: Windows10_InsiderPreview_Client_x64_en-us_19045.1826.iso Size: 5949814784 bytes (5674 MiB) Now with the same SKUs as the ESD>ISO: Code: Name: Windows10_InsiderPreview_Client_x64_en-us_19045.1826.iso Size: 5708578816 bytes (5444 MiB) ESD>ISO: Code: Name: 19045.1826.220708-0135.22H2_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTCONSUMER_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO Size: 5495363584 bytes (5240 MiB) UUP>ISO: No cleanup: Code: Name: 19045.1826.220706-0819.22H2_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US_NO_Cleanup.ISO Size: 6450601984 bytes (6151 MiB) Cleanup: Code: Name: 19045.1826.220706-0819.22H2_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US_Cleanup.ISO Size: 5082662912 bytes (4847 MiB) Resetbase: Code: Name: 19045.1826.220706-0819.22H2_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US_Resetbase.ISO Size: 5071734784 bytes (4836 MiB) All ISOs contain these SKUs inside the install.wim/esd: Code: [01] 08/07/2022 en-US x64 10.0.19041.1826 Windows 10 Home | Core [02] 08/07/2022 en-US x64 10.0.19041.1826 Windows 10 Home N | CoreN [03] 08/07/2022 en-US x64 10.0.19041.1826 Windows 10 Home Single Language | CoreSingleLanguage [04] 08/07/2022 en-US x64 10.0.19041.1826 Windows 10 Education | Education [05] 08/07/2022 en-US x64 10.0.19041.1826 Windows 10 Education N | EducationN [06] 08/07/2022 en-US x64 10.0.19041.1826 Windows 10 Pro | Professional [07] 08/07/2022 en-US x64 10.0.19041.1826 Windows 10 Pro N | ProfessionalN Now with install.esd: Original 19045.1826 TB ISO: Code: Name: Windows10_InsiderPreview_Client_x64_en-us_19045.1826.iso Size: 4635983872 bytes (4421 MiB) ESD>ISO: Code: Name: 19045.1826.220708-0135.22H2_RELEASE_SVC_REFRESH_CLIENTCONSUMER_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO Size: 4544221184 bytes (4333 MiB) Not going to bother running all three UUP>ISO ISOs with install.esd, they will be approx. 30-33% smaller compared to the ones with install.wim, i will run the one with resetbase. Code: Name: 19045.1826.220706-0819.22H2_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_EN-US_Resetbase.ISO Size: 4050485248 bytes (3862 MiB) Note: DISM with compression Recovery is almost identical to wimlib-imagex with LZMS solid compression. UUP>ISO created ISOs contain slightly different updates although they are not that different compared to the techbench IP/Preview ESDs (except the 22H2 EP is not available on UUP dump for build .1826, so i replaced the 21H2 EP with the 22H2 EP).
When I try to install Basic Typing and Handwriting features for Serbian keyboard language (both Latin and Cyrillic), I've got an 0x800f0950 error. Any ideas how to solve this? Tried with SFC and Dism /RestoreHealth, but error remains same. I'm using two VM's with 19045.1826 installed (Pro Education and Education), error occurred on both VM's.
I'm just curious. And of course - frugal. I don't like waste, even in terms of storage space. As acer-5100 stated - it's nobody to know what's on my computers. To be fair, your question is just about storing windows images. I have one 19042 and another one 22621. Why'd you ask me that? Storing hundreds of windows images? I can't find reasons how'd that be useful. BTW is down? I get weird error 502, normally if site is offline that's 404?
Considering this started with ISO file sizes and lack of storage space, i assumed it was about storing ISOs, if so i would have directed you to the SVF(SFX) method for storing all kind's of ISOs, nobody here is interested in what is on your or anybodies pc, don't get carried away by her pointless insinuations. Yes, it's down for a few days now, no response from the owner when asked about it.