media creation tool iso is esd and techbench wim. one is smaller file. but does that makes it just that smaller file. do uncompressed is the same i mean wich is faster.? what is the advantage of esd over wim and viceversa.
Is there a similar file to force the Windows 10 21h2 => 22h2 update without waiting for Windows Update?
MCT has some leftover files in the [DELETED] folder inside install.esd, making it larger then when manually converting ESD>ISO. All tests about faster installations between wim and esd showed no significant difference, esd even was a few seconds faster.
any way to fix this annoying problem. my wifi connection is ok. but once i update windows then my connection to wifi drops. everytime i clean install and update this happens.?
yes cuz your dns + Public / local ip is sent to ms in form of logs . you must have done something to your os settings which m$ dont like they want you to revert back those settings till that they will disrupt your wlan connection via a single pwsh func + am sure they will be trying there hard to install hidden spyware in your os. cross check via trojan detection tool offline am sure it will find some m$ dll or exectuable as spy.
Still no offer on my desktop (19044.2132), while it showed on my laptop. Had a gpedit policy to block Windows 11 offer, but I undid it and still no sign of 22H2 update, and life is too short to dowload an ISO and upgrade from it.
Manually download KB5015684 from here
22H2 getting offered on ideapads with 5xxx series ryzen cpus. Fresh 21H2 19044.1288, check for updates - 22H2 optional feature update.