19041.1 was released on 10 Dec. No newer Builds have been spotted since then. Just saying (is this Final Build ?????)
Microsoft doesn't get back to work till 2 Jan. 2020, so will they even have anything to release next week ?
The ISOs probably already exist, IF 19041.1 is the signed off version? Atm, only the 19041 KITS ISOs are available. The problem is that MSFT 17763.1 first released to Devs, next they came up with the re-release of 1809 with 17763.107, 1903/9 was an exception because of the mess at the company, we'll have to see what happens this time (they already announced that 20H1 first will be tested for a few months, probably updates in the RP ring?).
I created an 19041.1 ISO from UUPDump, is there any update or anything (CAB or MSU package) available ATM to add/integrated with the ISO?
One can use the leaked insider nvidia driver 445.23 with this build , to enjoy wddm 2.7 and hardware gpu scheduling for frame times.
Just installed slow insider 19041.1, but I can´t acces to the START MENU because the SEARCH MENU appears instead. It seems like the start menu was hidden behind the search menu. Any idea, please?
Today, I also installed this same version i.e. 19041.1 and I don't have any issue with the start menu/screen, although I should mention that I completely removed Cortana from my Windows ISO & then installed with my modded ISO. So no Cortana here in my system running anywhere. Also, other bloat & telemetry free /disabled copy of Windows running.
Not seeing the Dedicated GPU temperature in Task Manager in this 2004 version of Windows, using the latest version of Geforce Drive, any idea what I am missing here?