You guys are arguing over which bugs are more serious, when the TPM bugs could "brick" certain systems, i.e. critical bug. If they don't patch this, it can't be rolled out. It just can't.
I tryed 19041.208 on two laptops by updating from 1909 18363.815 from a USB stick . The first time i've ever done that It wouldnt allow me to use TOR where i installed it = C/ program files or to install it again there wich i dont like . When i right click on a file i got a menue that says ....... open ....... edit ....... and shows EMEditor ....... wich i like ...... the version 1909 18363.815 didnt do that it showed it in the ' Send to ' part
i remember when 1903 released with a very well known DPC latency bug, barely any windows 10 version is fit for release.
it doesn't really matter for M$ that what you, me, we, others & people over here at MDL or someplace else think or thought, M$ ll eventually do whatever they decide & ought to do. So giving or making such predictions are absolutely useless, here at MDL, folks generally discuss their experience & seeking for any help for any related topic. Yeah, that's variable (from V to V). but bugfree SDLC is a myth, & that's constant.
I dont think this build is that bad for me is running very good except for a few bugs that will be fixed before release.
How can I remove a persistent file from Windows startup? It looks like it has to do with the printer's software and it's called RunDll32.exe. Isn't this a common file name? What's weird is that when I try to remove it using other programs I have an error and so the most I can do is disable it. However, after running the printer's software it gets enabled again.
Updated to .208 Component cleanup does not work as was reported earlier. Anyone else see a Windows Feature Experience Pack listed in the About section? Looks like MS would further componentize the OS by 20H2